First, I read an account that says members are often baptized more than once if they feel so disposed. In conventional Christianity, partaking of the bread and wine is done in rememberance of their baptism. One is symbolic of death and renewal; the other is done to remember the body and blood of the Savior. The notion that there are two classes is fiction, and all are expected to partake of the bread and wine as a rememberance of the Lord's defeat of death in the Atonement.
We discuss doctrines of the Witnesses here, but apparently the ("Outfit" is what Sam Giancana called the Chicago Mob) is critical of members discussing doctrine outside of sanctioned outlets. To most Christians this is absolutely shocking, the extent of which J.W.s can't even fathom. Communism is tame compared to what I've read in just the last two weeks about the influence of the That anyone can exert that much influence on a person outside of Jonestown is amazing in this day and time. I've thought to myself, "Someone ought to write a book about it!" It explains a lot.
When I had these guys in my home, I noticed that they had no interest at all in the exchange of ideas. It was like, "Jehovah wants us to be good. Question: What does Jehovah want us to be?" Or..."Jesus clearly was nailed to a torture stake. Question: What was Jesus clearly nailed to?" There are no A, B, or C answers. It's just A. When I questioned my tormentors, they said they would write down my questions. They seemed ill prepared to answer even basic questions.
Speaking of questions, I have a few of my own:
- So what kind of records does the church keep and are they shredded when someone is disfellowshipped or are the people still considered members? Do they need to be rebaptized? Are records kept for rebaptisms?
- If I am a I baptize my children or is that something the elders do?
- In the New Testament, baptized members had the Holy Spirit conferred upon them by the laying on of hands. Is this done in the Organization?
- If a person is turned in by a family member for reading this website, can that person be disfellowshipped? Are they warned first?
- If a person is disfellowshipped, do their family members shun them? What is shunning like?
Just curious. Please feel free to rant, set me straight or quote.