I remember the fear I had, I thought I was going to die because the Big A started. All it was a little shaking of the plates and glasses in the cabinets. It was 1967 or 1968 late fall on a Saturday morning. I was home watching cartoons on the TV my parents were at work. So I was by myself enjoying the fact I was not out in field service. Around 10 or 11 AM our house started to shake I looked out the window expecting to see the earth open up and swallow me up. I was a teenager at that time all I was thinking about was girls and not all of it was not pure thoughts. So I knew for a fact that Jehovah hated me and this was his chance to do me in. Boy I love this cult it's so exciting. Totally ADD P.S. Anybody else remember that?
earthquake in IL back in the 1960's
by TotallyADD 7 Replies latest jw friends
troubled mind
We had just moved to Illinois from North Carolina in 1966 . I was in first grade in 1967 and can't remember an EarthQuake . What part of Illinois was it in Southern or Northern ?
troubled mind
I just finished reading your life story .....((((totallyAdd))) We have a lot in common growing up in those years .
I don't remember it, but my parents do. I think that was the one centered around McLeansboro. More recently, I actually DO remember the ones in 1987 and 2008. Very minor earthquakes, really, but when you live in Illinois/Indiana, you aren't really used to those things. And the elders used the earthquake ad nauseum in talk illustrations for about two weeks following the event.
troubled mind
I do remember the one in 1987 ! We felt it while walking on the sidewalk, like a small wave . I slept through the one in 2008.
Southern Illinois is on the New Madrid fault line.
It's bigger than San Andreas.
True, but none of these three earthquakes in Illinois ('68, '87, and '08) were on the New Madrid fault. These were actually in the Wabash Valley fault zone, which is well to the north.
Sorry to hear we have alot in common troubled mind as far as our life stories go. I would not wish that on anyone. Also it was in central IL about 30 miles SE of Springfield. You are very right Ding. Back around 1802 or so they had a earthquake that was so powerful in suck up lakes, shot steam up into the air, and diverted the Miss. river. It shook so hard it rang church bells in Boston and NY city. The after shocks went on for almost a year. These are from writings from about 100 settlers who lived their. They thought the end of world was happening. Good point NotBlind. All I know is it scared the crap out of me. Totally ADD