Nirvanas, Epiphanies and such...

by MrMoe 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    What is the meaning of life? What is it to experience true Nirvana? A Revelation? An Epiphany...

    Many people seek their whole life to find the key, the answer to everything and anything about life and mankind. A little of something and a bit of nothing...

    A mind shattering earth shaking experience that changes your life forever...

    Nirvana and Epiphany is that one single moment that transcends suffering, an earth-shattering glimpse of things unseen and unspoken that provide true inner peace...

    Many seek it, so few find it. If you do, you will know it...

    Pronunciation: nir-'vä-na
    1: the final beatitude that transcends suffering, karma, and samsara and is sought especially in Buddhism through the extinction of desire and individual consciousness
    2: a place or state of oblivion to care, pain, or external reality; also : BLISS, HEAVEN b : a goal hoped for but apparently unattainable : DREAM
    3: bliss, Canaan, Civitas Dei, elysium, empyrean, happy hunting ground, New Jerusalem, paradise, Zion

    Main Entry: epiph·a·ny
    Pronunciation: i-'pi-f-anE
    1: an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being
    2: a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something
    3: an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking
    4: an illuminating discovery, a revealing scene or moment

    It is one such moment that changes your entire world. Your life, and the way you live it. The way you treat others... The way you look at the entire family of mankind... It's a truly beautiful place. Where is this? It's within, if you just open your mind...

  • Diddley

    Are you a Buddist?

  • MrMoe

    No, I am not, but thanks for asking.

  • Diddley

    Well, it seems you have the Buddist belief system. Please see the website link I put in here. I think you will find it interesting.

  • nytelecom1
    What is it to experience true Nirvana

    i met kurt at a local show b4 nevermind came out..
    the exprience was great...

  • picosito

    Dear Diddley:

    That's a nice web site.

  • Diddley

    Thank you Picosito. If you couldn't tell, I am Buddist. Not to worry though, I will not force my ideas upon any of you. I have been what you here call a lurker. I saw MrMoe's post and I had to respond.

  • mikepence

    You really want to know where epiphanies come from?

    Read this short Essay:

    Mike Pence
    (who is feeling like a broken record...READ DAVID HUME!!!)

  • MrMoe

    Thanx diddley! Hope you like it here and we're glad ya stopped lurkin. I have been researching Buddisim lately, so it's cewl to meet u. We will have to talk in further detail, but 4 now, I am off.


  • gravedancer

    I am serious here:

    I had an epiphany and that is that there is no epiphany to be had except to live life as a rational person and learn as much about the world around you and about yourself as possible.

    My epiphany so far has included the fact that there is no magic potion, no God, no Devl and no spiritual side.

    Others may vehemently disagree and thats fine. The emperor has to prove he is wearing clothes otherwise I am free to laugh at his funny looking weenie!!!

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