Should I cancel my trip to Mexico and start praying?
by worldtraveller 5 Replies latest jw friends
Should I cancel my trip to Mexico and start praying?
11,013 BC—Creation. God created the world and man (Adam and Eve).
4990 BC—The flood of Noah’s day. All perished in a worldwide flood. Only Noah, his wife, and his 3 sons and their wives survived in the ark (6023 years from creation).
7 BC—The year Jesus Christ was born (11,006 years from creation).
33 AD—The year Jesus Christ was crucified and the church age began (11,045 years from creation; 5023 calendar years from the flood).
1988 AD—This year ended the church age and began the great tribulation period of 23 years (13,000 years from creation).
1994 AD—On September 7 th , the first 2300-day period of the great tribulation came to an end and the latter rain began, commencing God’s plan to save a great multitude of people outside of the churches (13,006 years from creation).
2011 AD—On May 21 st , Judgment Day will begin and the rapture (the taking up into heaven of God’s elect people) will occur at the end of the 23-year great tribulation. On October 21 st , the world will be destroyed by fire (7000 years from the flood; 13,023 years from creation).
33 AD to 1988 AD... nice colossal and unexplained gap in time there....
and that's where I move on.
If anyone thinks the last 23 years have been the great tribulation, it's time to turn off the tv and come out from under the rock.
That web site was mostly put up by no other than Harold Camping who has a radio show and has sold books
circumventing on the soon to come Armageddon.
Equation - Armageddon = Fear = Fear draws public attention = sells books $$$ and draws interest to radio show.
Remember the dates ( 1975 ) created by the WTS. about Armageddon and how many books were sold by them ?
Harold Camping is more or less doing the same thing, drawing the attention then sifting money out their pockets.
This is true insanity.Who believes any of this crap?
This is true insanity.Who believes any of this crap?
Sadly , some human beings
It is almost as bad as if you fly a plane into a building (Praise be to Allah) you will be rewarded with 72 virgins