
by berrygerry 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • berrygerry

    Thought this quote (Ecclesiasticus 37:14) from another thread deserved it's own.

    Finally, stick to the advice your own heart gives you,

    no one can be truer to you than that;

    since a person's soul often gives a clearer warning

    than seven watchmen perched on a watchtower.

    NEB only says "tower" as does Septuagint.


    A man's own mind has sometimes a way of telling him more than seven watchmen posted high on a tower.

    Jerusalem Bible says:

    Finally stick to the advice your own heart gives you,

    no one can be truer to you than that;

    since a man's soul often forewarns him better

    than seven watchmen perched on a watchtower.

    I don't know if it would have made any difference or not in the past, but that one verse explained away 20 years of my cognitive dissonance.

  • stillin
    Ok, I love it. But what is Ecclesiasticus?
  • DwainBowman

    Are you sure that's 37:14 ?

  • DwainBowman


    1. Sirach
    2. The Book of the All-Virtuous Wisdom of Joshua ben Sira, commonly called the Wisdom of Sirach or simply Sirach, and also known as the Book of Ecclesiasticus or Ben Sira, is a work of ethical teachings ... Wikipedia
  • sparrowdown
    Ecclesispasticus 😆
  • Divergent

    Seven watchmen perched on a watchtower

    Above the stupid sheep they hover

    One was Lösch, who always looked lost

    Another was Herd, who was rude & curt

    Yet another was Splane, who was quite insane

    But he was no match for Lett, who by his facial expressions revealed he was mad!

    Then there was Jackson, all talk but no action

    The youngest was Sanderson, who had neither wife nor son

    The most famous was Anthony Morris the Turd

    He hated tight pants so much it was absurd!

    Seven crazy men perched on a watchtower

    Over the stupid sheep they hold power

  • sparrowdown
    Just Kidding - you may have the makings of a very sad comic book there, I'd copyright it if I were you.

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