I found the new Shepared the flock of God elders manual and downloaded it. I found it on a "pirate" something web site. I have spent about 8 hours trying to find a program that will open it. It is a Torrent type file, and I have downloaded a couple of different Bittorrent programs but can not open it. Does anyone know how or why probram to use to open it.
Need help opening New Elders manual
by Ben57 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Joey Jo-Jo
The one I have only works with certain pdf programs, try www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/reader
What site did you get your copy from. the one I downloaded is not a pdf file.
Try WinZip or Win Rar- something like that.
By "it is a Torrent type file" you mean the extension of the file is .torrent? Because then any bittorrent application should be able to open it... But it is not the real file, but a sort of "link" to download the actual file. When you open the .torrent it should start downloading, and you should get the actual book (probably a pdf) - check the bittorrent application to see it being downloaded, and when it's done, then try to open it by double clicking. Or when you tried to open with a bittorrent app, did it give you some sort of error?
frostwire will handle torrent files
Mad Sweeney
It isn't that big a book. Why would anyone make a torrent out of it?
I'd just delete the file you got and find the .pdf online. Someone here would even send it to you, I'm sure.