by fokyc 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Pams girl
SO! No tours of Bethel on April 29th, 2011 because they are giving it a "Spring clean..."....mmmmmm NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT EVERYBODY IN THE COUNTRY WILL BE WATCHING THE ROYAL WEDDING I GUESS THEN?????
Also, didnt realise pioneer hours have been reduced from 90hrs to 70hrs.......thanks for posting.x
Usually, there is a "Highlights" box showing some increase in something or other. No Highlights or increase in anything in Britain or Ireland?
Thank you for sharing the OKM with us! We appreciate your hard work.
Yes thankyou fokyc I always appreciate you taking the trouble to scan it for us.
I'm with Gayle. Where are the highlights. Surely they would have been there if there were any. Be interesting to see what they show in April.
Last page - on the March 1 "say this during the ministy bit" : "There are conflicting opinions about Jesus. Do you view him as God's son or as just a good man?"
Notice the lack of capitilization on "son." As though he isn't the ONLY Son that God has, but just one of many. Just weird...
Thanks Fokyc.