Will you be indestructible in Paradise?

by jam 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    What if you drown, or while working around the house you

    fall of the ladder and break your neck, or walking in the hills

    you fall. Will god make the world people proof the same as

    A parent make their home child proof,(make the home safe).

    If one accicidentally die in paradise will he have to wait until

    the second resurrection.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Nobody's thought that far ahead...this is where you need to stop speculating! All these things will be revealed in their own due time - just make sure that you get there and you will find these things out first-hand. (Gag me.)

  • ProdigalSon

    Those geniuses think that a carbon-based body can live forever when one never has in the history of the universe. Anything that exists in 3-dimensional materiality is subject to aging, decay, death, and untimely accidents. A crystalline based Light Body is what Jesus had upon resurrection and ascension to the fourth density, where there are 24 laws instead of 48 like there are here. Death ain't one of 'em, and neither is gravity.

    So many of Jesus' teaching stressed that death of the body is not the end, but that would put them out of the salvation business.

  • Poztate

    you fall of the ladder and break your neck

    Nope...Can't happen in the new system. Along with the anti-matter cleanup of dead bodies promised by Jehovah™ in one of the publications from the 50's (?) they promised an anti-gravity thingy so that if you happened to fall down an elevator shaft you would just safely float to the ground.

    Trust in Jehovah™ and in the Governing Body™ Think about it...Have they ever lied to you........

  • sir82

    Remember the old comic book character "Plastic Man"?

    We'll all just be incredibly stretchy and bouncy.

    Drown? Just stretch your neck up 50 or 100 feet until your nose is above water.

    Fall off the ladder? Don't need no ladders, just stretch your legs up as high as you need.

    Fall off a hill? Just roll yourself up in a ball and bounce when you hit bottom.

    "Jehovah provides"

  • RubaDub

    I guess if a guy gets a woody that lasts more then 4 hours, he won't have to worry about calling his doctor.

    Rub a Dub

  • blondie

    Actually, this is not a new question. Jesus was considered a perfect man but even he needed the angels to give him personal protection per the bible. But it did say that Satan dared Jesus to jump off a high place and it was indicated that without that protection he would have died if he had jumped.

    Who knows that the WTS might say that there will be some angelic protection preventing any accidents.

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