Serving Faithfully at Work

by obiefernandez 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiefernandez

    I have interesting news. Early this week I found out that the husband of our beloved office manager is an long inactive JW, but that his parents are pressuring him to become active again. Apparently he wants his worldly wife to convert so they can return together. I've met him a few times and he seems like a perfectly nice guy. I figured I couldn't let this opportunity slip by.

    So I pull out a copy of CofC and bring in to work with me. I mozy over to the office manager's cube and tell her that I had heard about her husband's situation. I ask her what she thinks of all of it. In a nutshell, she had been to one meeting and thought JWs were weird. So I tell her about my being raised in JWs and how I left when I realized what they were all about. I offered her the book and told her to give it to her husband. That it had helped me get over the indoctrination and that it might help him also. She gladly accepted.

    A little bit later I run into her again and let her know that there is a possibility that her husband would "recoil in horror" when he saw the book or realized that it was apostate.

    Well this morning I finally caught up with her again and asked her about her hubby's reaction. It wasn't very good. He was dreadfully upset. He said he didn't even want the book in the house. He said it was a lie, that no member of the governing body had ever left Bethel. Haha! Well, they had a quote/unquote discussion about it, which I think was probably more of an argument. (She is a sassy lady!) She's keeping the book and told him that if he won't read it then she will. And I guess she really is going to read it.

    So I offer this up as a message of encouragement to all you apostates out there. If you keep aware of your surroundings, there are many great opportunities to "serve faithfully at work".

    I'll keep everybody updated.


  • Simon

    way-ta-go obiefernandez ... I hope you'll be putting your report card in to report your 'informal witnessing' and book placement

  • moman

    obie, nice move!
    Heddin dem Dubs off at da pass!


  • LDH

    If it didn't take at least 15 minutes, then you may NOT report this on your field service report, Obed!

    Per the new light, you must spend a minimum of 15 minutes per month selling books in order to be counted!

    Don't let this happen again!

    Waiting for her email Class

  • Prisca

    Thanks Obie for the encouragement to informally witness at every opportunity!

    Prisca, who can still churn out the Watchtowerisms!

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