I find his life story very interesting. But in part 2 of his story he said something that hit me right between the eyes. He states "GB rewrites their own history and rewrites themselves into the Bible, as if it was written to them and only themn." All I can say is Amen to this. As a teenager in the 1960's sitting through those death by boredom meetings I would say to myself when are they going to bring out something pretaining to us the lowly great crowd? But all they talk about was themselves, how great they are or how all the bible prophecies was about them. Talk about no encouragement. I could care less about how the bible only talk about them what about me? Don't I get any uplifting encouragement or recognition. Nope, Nada, nothing. Talk about feeling like a bug being step on by the WT boot. Well is just goes to show you when it's men's thoughts and teachings being forced fed it's bound to make you sick. Thanks Randy for such a enlightening story. Has anyone else found something in his story that hits home? Totally ADD
Just finish reading the 2 part of Randy Watters story
by TotallyADD 3 Replies latest jw friends
I always got that "well the GB is not perfect". OK, then who is responsible for this car wreck? And after the 75 debacle, as humans who made mistakes, it was so comforting to see them blame the GC for "running ahead". They've never taken any responsiblity. Such sickening hypocrisy & arrogance. I see why Jesus was so pissed at the scribes & pharisees.
I tried clicking on the link at the Freeminds site, but the page for Part 2 wouldn't come up.
Is it mirrored anywhere?
Looks like a glitch. Try copying the address, putting it in Google search and clicking on the result's 'cached' link.