JWs in Japan has had no increase for several years. Now with the disaster I expect there will be some increase or maybe a lot?
Will JWs in Japan increase this year?
by Gayle 6 Replies latest jw friends
Was New Boy
No..some new ones will join but many died in the quake...net effect 0
more studies will take the plunge and more believing df members will try to get back in the ark just in time to see again no Armageddon
JW 2010 Annual Report showed 1 JW per 581 of population in Japan. That's .1%, not 1%, just .1%. So not many JWs per Japan's population.
I believe there was a slight increase in JWs after 9/11. The same could be true here. But as stated there will possably be deaths of witnesses as well because of the earthquake. According to figures I have there has been no increase there since 1997.
I would think so, at least until things are rebuilt and back to normal.
I think there will be more reactivated witlesses, similar to after 9/11/2001. They will be more likely to waste more time getting people into the cancer. And they will find people without access to the Internet because of the first disaster (the earthquake) or the power outage resulting from that.
But, it will be a fake. The people that join are expecting Armageddon within a couple of years, and when it doesn't show up and they try to push it farther down, they will walk out. This will also happen in countries affected by riots and austerity measures (the government is failing) or where fake energy crises, hyperinflation, and stupid reporting laws (sickness bill section 9006) and "phude" control laws (S-510 and 3767) create a totalitarian society and/or riots in formerly stable countries. There will be a push that Armageddon is imminent, inactive and "weak" witlesses will return, and those who are afraid will quickly join before they can properly research the subject. They will panic people that the end is imminent, that this system cannot last another year, and that the Great Tribulation is next. Only to find that we get a new currency, Agenda 21 comes (no paradise there), and/or a new government forms from the riots. The years will pass, and no Armageddon of the style they are expecting. And for sure no paradise.
And the witlesses will once again take a bath. Trouble is, once the One World Totalitarian Government is in place, these problems (that is, the man-made ones) will cease (except the enslavement of mankind). There will never again be business cycles, wars between countries, or major changes in the government once we are all slaves to the same small group of scumbags. At which point, any witlesses (assuming the government doesn't slaughter them all) will realize that it has been the same most or all their lives, and they will simply lose all urgency. And the occasional earthquake, volcano, tsunami, major storm, or meteor impact will have very little actual impact on the day to day grind.