Dates of Prophetic Significance (WT Index)

by pirata 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pirata

    I was suprised to see a heading "Dates of Prophetic Significance" in the 1986-2010 Watchtower Index, and even more suprised at the content. I wonder how many JWs know this. Anything missing (hint, hint: 1975)? Here's what's in the index's for modern day and beyond:


    1873, once held to be end of 6,000 years of human history: jv 631, 633

    1874, once held to be start of Christ’s presence: jv 46-47, 133, 631-632

    1878, once held to be year of Christ’s enthronement: jv 632-633

    1881, once held to be year when heavenly calling would end: jv 632

    1914, 1,260 days begin (Re 11:3): re 164; w94 8/1 31; w93 11/1 9-10

    “appointed times of the nations” end (Lu 21:24): w06 7/15 6-7; bh 215-218; w04 2/1 19-20; ca01 5; jv 134-142, 635-636

    “forty-two months” begin (Re 11:2; 13:5): re 162-164, 192

    fulfillment of transfiguration vision begins (Mt 17; Mr 9; Lu 9): w97 5/15 11

    heavenly woman bears son (Re 12:1-5): re 177-180

    Jehovah comes “as a strong one” (Isa 40:10): ip-1 406

    Kingdom established: w06 7/15 6-7; bh 84-85; jv 138-139; Lmn 23-24

    king of the north ‘comes against the south’ (Da 11:29): dp 261-262, 264; w93 11/1 14

    ‘kings take stand against Jehovah and his anointed’ (Ps 2:1, 2): w90 7/1 27-28

    last days begin: rs 239-240

    Lord’s day begins (Re 1:10): re 22, 24; w03 5/15 10

    ‘root of Jesse will stand up’ (Isa 11:10): ip-1 165-166

    ‘sacred secret brought to a finish’ (Re 10:7): re 171-172; w90 1/15 20

    “seven times” end (Da 4): w06 7/15 6-7; re 22, 24; bh 216-218; dp 96-97, 301; kl 97; pe 138-141; rs 95-97; it-1 134-135; w86 11/1 4-7

    Shiloh receives right to “obedience of the peoples” (Ge 49:10): w02 10/1 19

    “the time appointed” (Da 11:29): dp 261; w93 11/1 13-14

    ‘time, times, and half a time’ begin (Da 7:25; 12:7): dp 142-143, 294-296; w94 8/1 31; w93 11/1 9-10

    “times of restoration” begin (Ac 3:21): bt 31; cl 77-78; w87 3/1 28-29

    1918, 1,260 days end (Re 11:3): w94 8/1 31; w93 11/1 9-10

    ‘constant feature removed’ (Da 12:11): dp 297-298; w93 11/1 10-11

    heavenly resurrection may begin: w07 1/1 28; re 103; w88 10/15 12

    “holy ones” are conquered (Re 13:7): re 192

    Jehovah cleanses temple (Isa 66:6): ip-2 396-397

    judgment begins with “house of God” (1Pe 4:17): re 31-32, 260; w04 3/1 16

    king of the north “dejected” (Da 11:30): dp 264; w93 11/1 14

    master of slaves having talents comes to settle accounts (Mt 25:19): w04 3/1 16

    silence in heaven, incense offered (Re 8:1, 3, 4): w09 1/15 32; re 129-131

    ‘time, times, and half a time’ end (Da 7:25; 12:7): dp 143, 294-296; w94 8/1 31; w93 11/1 10

    ‘true Lord and messenger of the covenant’ come to spiritual temple (Mal 3:1): w10 3/15 23; w07 4/1 22; w07 12/15 27-28; jd 179-182; re 31-32, 55-56; w92 12/1 13; w89 4/15 7; w89 7/1 30; w87 6/15 14-15

    “two witnesses” killed (Re 11:3, 7): re 167-168

    1919, 1,260 days begin (Re 12:6, 14): re 183-184

    1,290 days begin (Da 12:11): dp 300; w93 11/1 10-11

    144,000 begin “singing as if a new song” (Re 14:3): re 200

    antitypical Festival of Booths resumes: w96 7/1 24

    Babylon the Great falls (Re 14:8; 18:2): re 205-206, 209, 259-261; w89 5/1 3-5; w88 12/15 20-21

    birth of new nation (Isa 66:8): re 183-184; ip-2 397-400; w94 1/15 14

    ‘disgusting thing placed’ (Da 12:11): dp 300; w93 11/1 10-11

    “faithful and discreet slave” ‘appointed over master’s belongings’ (Mt 24:47): w04 3/1 12; wt 131

    faithful slaves ‘appointed over many things’ (Mt 25:21, 23): w04 3/1 17

    ‘fire hurled to earth’ (Re 8:5): w09 1/15 32; re 131-132

    ‘four angels untied’ (Re 9:15): re 149-151; w88 12/15 13

    “harvest of the earth” begins (Re 14:14-16): re 211-212

    Jehovah’s chariotlike heavenly organization gets in touch with Ezekiel class (Eze 1): w91 3/15 11

    Jehovah’s spirit begins to be poured out on remnant (Joe 2:28, 29): w98 5/1 14-15

    “key of the house of David” placed on shoulder of remnant (Isa 22:22): w09 1/15 31

    locusts swarm from abyss (Re 9): re 143-148; w89 4/1 17-18; w88 12/15 12-13

    “opened door” set before remnant (Re 3:8): re 60-65

    remnant “come quivering to Jehovah” (Hos 3:5): w91 8/15 17

    remnant eat “little scroll” (Re 10:8-11): re 159-160

    remnant figuratively resurrected: re 169-170; dp 290-291; w88 10/15 13; w87 7/1 21-23

    remnant freed from Babylon the Great: ip-2 74; ip-1 400-401; w89 5/1 4-5

    remnant ‘hold possession of land’ (Isa 60:21): w02 7/1 18; ip-2 319-320

    remnant refined (Isa 1:24-27): ip-1 32-34

    remnant restored to spiritual paradise: ip-1 380; w91 5/15 16

    remnant step before “waters” of mankind (Jos 3:15-17): w86 12/15 13

    virgins hear cry, “Here is the bridegroom!” (Mt 25:6): w04 3/1 14

    “Way of Holiness” opened (Isa 35:8): ip-1 380-381; ws 132-134

    “your God has become king” begins to be declared (Isa 52:7): ip-2 187

    1922, 1,260 days end (Re 12:6, 14): re 184

    1,290 days end (Da 12:11): dp 300, 303; w93 11/1 11

    1,335 days begin (Da 12:12): dp 303; w93 11/1 11

    cavalry charge begins (Re 9:16-19): re 152

    flood of persecution begins: re 183-186

    seven bowls begin to be poured out (Re 15, 16): re 220, 223

    seven trumpets begin to sound (Re 8-11): w09 1/15 32; re 133, 149, 152; w90 4/1 31

    1925, once held to be year when “ancient worthies” would be resurrected and remnant would receive heavenly reward: w93 11/1 11-12; jv 78, 632-633

    1926, 1,335 days end (Da 12:12): dp 303-304; w93 11/1 11-12

    1931, once held to be end of calling to heavenly hope: w07 5/1 30

    1933, king of the north ‘hurls denunciations against holy covenant’ (Da 11:30): dp 265; w93 11/1 14

    1938, 2,300 days begin (Da 8:14): dp 177-178

    1939, ‘arms stand up, proceeding from king of the north’ (Da 11:31): dp 265-266; w93 11/1 15

    1939-1945, ‘constant feature removed’ in lands of king of the north (Da 11:31): dp 267, 298; w93 11/1 15

    1944, 2,300 days end (Da 8:14): w01 1/15 28; dp 178-179

    1945, ‘disgusting thing placed’ (Da 11:31): dp 267, 269; w93 11/1 15-16


    Here's the 1930-1985 Index version (not as interesting, but does show a number of dates that were no longer considered worth of mention after 1986):

    1914: w85 2/1 11; ce 227-229; w84 4/1 5-8; w84 12/1 16-17; su 24-29; w83 1/1 11; w83 8/1 22-27; w82 5/1 13-15; w80 3/1 16; w79 9/15 23-24; w78 3/1 23-26; w77 395; go 88; w76 754; gh 146-147, 153; hs 142, 147; w75 621; sl 41-42, 103-104, 190, 316; og 25; w73 645; ka 186, 259-261; tp73 74-76; g73 10/8 17-18; w72 324, 351; pm 331, 368-369; w71 467-468; kj 34, 73, 88, 105, 129, 176, 233-235, 306, 346, 352-354, 356-357; w70 686; fm 30, 33, 96, 104, 263, 284; w66 615-620; kd 8-17; im 322-326; g65 6/8 28; w64 77, 478, 651, 745; bf 457, 502, 505; w61 360, 621; ns 305-306, 315; nu 21; w60 309-312, 461-462; mn 23-24; w58 634-636; yw 126, 179-181, 342; w56 614-615; sr55 134; w54 709-712; w53 273-274; nh 264; w52 271-274; lg 250-255; w51 409-410; w50 513-514; w49 148-150, 329-332; w46 198; pn 20-22; w45 308-309; w43 196, 212; tf 239-241; w42 56; w39 165; ch 211, 263; w35 83; w34 6; jh 238-239; w33 216; v-2 231; w31 53, 324, 357; lt-1-30 199

    1918: w85 2/1 17; w79 6/15 29; w70 688; fm 145, 263; w67 345; w66 182-183; w64 416; bf 459, 503; w61 717; ns 315-316, 362; w60 249-250, 436, 462; w59 506; jp 79; w58 463-464; yw 181, 331-332; w55 695; sr55 103-106; nh 222, 317-318; w51 409-410, 600; w47 197-198; w44 228, 332; tf 300-304, 324; w42 88; w41 79; w39 36; w37 205-206; w36 84-86, 283, 363; ch 67, 211; w34 93; jh 41, 273; w33 139, 167, 199-200, 203, 212-213, 216, 228, 246; pp 15-17, 259; w32 29; v-2 231; v-3 114-118, 175-176; w31 268, 325-326, 379; v-1 119; lt-1-30 199, 205

    1919: w85 2/1 17-18; w85 10/15 11; w82 7/1 18-25; w78 6/1 23; go 137; w76 157, 187-188, 663; hs 146; sl 127, 134, 164, 190; w71 239; kj 53, 207-208, 300-301, 311, 317-318, 320, 323, 325, 342, 346-347, 354, 380-381; w67 244, 246, 594; w66 311, 689-691; w65 494; w64 78-79, 81, 83-84, 109-111, 278, 416, 555; w63 202, 701; bf 500, 504-505, 558; mg63 18; w62 139, 204; w61 146, 148, 166, 717-718; g61 8/22 28; w60 250-251, 463, 754; w59 352, 383, 631; w58 58, 464, 590; pa 215; yw 211, 334-335; w57 602-603; w55 267-268; sr55 136, 140; w53 568, 634; nh 223, 322-323; w52 252; w51 208-209, 433, 723; w48 311; w46 217, 235; w44 11, 232-234; w43 247; w42 170; w40 102, 223, 357; w39 39, 56; s 205-207; w37 52, 125-126; w36 362; ch 67; w35 264, 297; w34 229; w33 216, 340; v-2 287; w31 36, 310; lt-1-30 249-250

    1920: bf 581, 601

    1922: go 137-140; fm 315-317; w60 251, 282; yw 335, 337; w54 338; w52 252; w51 433, 437; w43 216, 247; w40 187; w39 44-46, 57-60, 67-72; w37 352; w36 103, 116; w35 23, 119, 280; w33 71, 216-217, 298, 341; pp 183; w32 211-212; w31 36, 70; v-1 55; lt-1-30 106-113, 249-251; lt-2-30 18-23

    1923: w39 60-62; lt-1-30 113-120; lt-2-30 23-25

    1924: w39 156-158; w34 72; jh 59-60; lt-1-30 120-129; lt-2-30 25-28

    1925: w45 382; w39 204-206; w38 184; w33 341; lt-1-30 129-134; lt-2-30 29-30

    1926: go 140-147; ns 323, 325-326; w60 282; w59 601; yw 215, 337-338; w54 337-347; w51 436-438; w40 102; w39 214, 219-222, 237, 381; w34 89; jh 90-91; wo 55; w33 214-217, 280-281; pp 130; lt-1-30 136-156; lt-2-30 31-36

    1927: bf 558-559; w41 75, 374; w40 69; rg 87; w39 299-301; jh 63-65; lt-1-30 160-170; lt-2-30 36-57

    1928: w41 107; w40 69, 284-286; rg 87; w34 326, 343; w33 341-342; lt-1-30 218-223; lt-2-30 57-67

    1931: w64 400; bf 467; w61 166; ns 327; w59 352; yw 287; w46 156; w40 4

    1938: w85 3/1 18; yb75 247; w71 724; w60 733; w59 632; yw 217-218; w51 724-729; w43 5; w38 179-183, 186-187

    1939: w83 10/1 15; w63 696; w60 88; yw 281; nh 277-278; w44 266

    1942: w67 595; w65 495; ns 336-338, 340, 348, 363

    1944: yb75 247; w71 724-728

    1945: w85 10/1 15; w83 10/1 15; kc 166; w63 696-697; w60 89; yw 282-283; w53 564; nh 278-279

  • Alfred

    It’s interesting how the WT “humbly admits” their lies errors in something as tucked away as an Index (which they know that very few JWs will pay any attention to anyway) but then they’ll blatantly lie or whitewash their history in a high-budget video production such as the DVD distributed at the last District Assembly (Faith In Action).

    For example, the index refers to 1874 as the year once held to be the start of Christ’s presence. Yet the DVD paints a different picture when the narrator (referring to an Article that Russell wrote in 1876 about the end of the Gentile Times) makes the following statement:

    “What would happen at the end of those years? They (the Bible Students prior to 1914) reasoned that since Jesus is the only one qualified to assume the throne of David, then Christ himself would begin ruling in 1914.”

    This is completely F A L S E… The Bible Students didn’t reason anything! They were taught (as the tucked-away index mentions) that he assumed the throne in 1874 and it wasn’t until the late 1920’s that Rutherford changed this to 1914.

    But the DVD (Faith In Action) subtly squeezes in this false information again, right after GB member David Splane makes this absurd assertion:

    “This is not a work of man. This is a work of Jehovah God. It’s evident that Jehovah had already chosen this organization because of the faithfulness and the sincerity of the men who were behind it.” (excuse me while a barf for a second)

    Then the “anonymous” narrator continues:

    “Rather than giving in to the disappointment over what did not happen in 1914, the Bible Students kept their minds open to the significance of what had taken place. The world war and its aftermath had become the world shaking events proclaimed by Russell almost 40 years earlier. The Bible Students were coming to the realization that Christ’s presence began in 1914 and that the last days were underway.”

    False, false, and false…

    1. The Bible Students didn’t keep their minds open to anything… they weren’t allowed to

    2. The Bible Students didn’t come to any realization regarding Christ’s presence, they just went along with whatever “present truth” was shoved down their throats… in this case, they were told that Jesus presence began in 1874.

    3. And they certainly didn’t come to any realization regarding the last days as they were taught that these started in 1799.

    My point is… the WT will occasionally “come clean” about their past by cleverly tucking away truthful information in rarely-referred-to printed info (such as an index or the rarely-read Proclaimers book). In doing so, they can always say “You see, we DID admit we were wrong”. But where they would stand to get the most exposure (in a DVD, for example) they will use verbal gymnastics to whitewash or even blatantly lie about their past and what they in fact predicted. Unfortunately, the rank-and-file are totally oblivious to this and the WT uses this to their advantage…

  • Listener

    1939, ‘arms stand up, proceeding from king of the north’ (Da 11:31): dp 265-266; w93 11/1 15

    1939-1945, ‘constant feature removed’ in lands of king of the north (Da 11:31): dp 267, 298; w93 11/1 15

    I wonder what will happen to these dates with their new interpretation of the King of the North. Although they may keep that as a minor fulfillment with the major still to come.

    1975 was hugely significant even if they only later believed it represented 6000 since the creation of Adam. I guess they didn't want to draw attention to it. It's easy to leave a more distant past as having mythical or mysterious qualities but 1975 is too recent and a period of time that people can relate to.

    The other thing missing is no dates at all after 1945, a whole 65 years with nothing.

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