If Witnesses Really Cared......

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Being "in" a religion and actually believing its doctrines are two different things. I have little doubt that there are probably many leaders in the major religions who are actually agnostics and simply go thru the motions of being faithful to whatever ritual is asked of them.

    This is possible because most religions put forth some effort to help people in some organized way - whether soup kitchens, public charities, hospitals or the like. It gives people who are zealous - but privately heterodox - a chance to be supportive.

    Sadly, this will never be the case with the "truth". I sometimes think I could still be involved in the organization if they really cared about people. ....... and that will never happen.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    The belief that all outside your cloistered walls are pleasure-mad, greedy, self-seeking, violent, sex-obsessed criminals soon to be vaporised into oblivion is hardly conducive to your development of a social conscience....

  • snakeface

    You're right. The witnesses DO help "wordly"people in some cases. For example, after natural disasters brothers go to devastated areas to help their fellow believers. Afterward they help other people.

    However, their reason for helping the others is so that it will make a good witness. True Christians show unconditional love to their fellow humans. The church I now attend - and most others that I know of - for example, feed the homeless on Saturdays, knowing full well these people probably have no intention of joining the church.

  • garyneal

    It would not surprise me either to find that many religious leaders are perhaps agnostic or at least don't take their religion too seriously and pick the good humanitarian pieces of the religious doctrines to encourage the flock and support the people.

    The hard core religious zealot leaders find that their flock often gets burned out and smaller and smaller with each passing day.

    The church I attend, for example, has multiple churches of various denominations all meeting on the same campus and are considered part of the same family. The pastor takes a very very simple view of the Bible by professing love over anything else. Now all those churches would have to have something that they individually disagree on, wouldn't they?

    I find that most people don't care about doctrine. They just care about living their life to the full. This includes Jehovah's Witnesses too for as much as my wife likes to say that doctrine matters the truth is if it did, she wouldn't be a Jehovah's Witness today.

  • punkofnice

    I said to zealous dub Mrs Punk that I'd like to help out in a soup kitchen.

    She replied: 'Why would you want to help those down and outs? They should help themselves!'

    Me: 'That's a bit judgemental isn't it? Many of those 'down and outs' can't help themselves. Some just need help and the opportunity and if I can help in some way surely that's a good thing?!?'

    Zealous dub Mrs Punk just sneered. I think this is NOT really her authentic self but the part that has had her mind controlled.

    She disgusted me to be honest!!

  • WTWizard

    Sometimes the witlesses do help others--always with the goal of recruiting more people after a disaster. They did that after Katrina. They did that after the 2004 tsunami. They did that after Haiti. And I am sure they will do it in Japan--helping rebuild parts of residential areas in exchange for getting those residents into the cancer. Anyone that falls for it will become a victim of an even worse disaster than the earthquake itself.

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