Feelings do not necessarily speak truth. If you feel guilty, it does not mean that you are guilty. Many times, feelings merely tell us what is going on in our thought life (or what we are really believing). If we think we are guilty, there will be feelings of guilt as the fruit of those thoughts or beliefs. It's sort of like feeling a hot stove; feelings are meant to help alert us of something that is wrong. Feelings should not be ignored, but properly interpreted.
Are our feelings wrong because our belief was wrong ?
Remember, feelings are just the fruit of our thoughts and beliefs. However if we feel wrong, would it not hurt to stop and ask ourselves ......am I doing the right thing here ? Does not our inborn conscience serve a purpose ?Sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blame worthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character, together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good. Hence, a faculty, power, or principal conceived to decide as to the moral quality of one's own thoughts or acts, enjoining what is good." (Webster's new Collegiate dictionary, page 176).
2 Timothy 1:7 hit my spirit: “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
Could it be that the fear and condemnation I suffered were not from God but from man ?