Humans were eating and drinking and marrying when the flood came and swept them all away; sounds like what happened in Japan doesn't it?
Yet on the contrary, today is nothing like the alleged "days of Noah" depicted in the Bible. The Bible states that when Armageddon comes it will fall upon unsuspecting victims exactly as it did in Noah's day... our world proves this passage false and I will tell you why.
How many end times cults are there right now? How many have there been in the last 200 years? How many people right now, on average, believe the end of the world is near? Polls have been taken on this subject and the results are staggering! Many people, possibly the majority, will tell you straight up that the world is nearing it's completion. Does that sound like "the days of Noah" where everyone was completely unsuspecting while Noah, the only doomsayer, ranted on about the end of the world?
No, today cannot rightly be compared to a time where no one suspected the end of the world. What does this mean for the Bible and our place in history?