I searched old topics to see if this had already been posted.
Here's an app I am sure you are all going to rush to get.
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| 4.72 MB | 2/28/2011 3:35:30 PM |
Record your Field Ministry placements and service time on your BlackBerry Here you will find a BlackBerry application specifically designed to assist brothers (and sisters!) in recording their field service time and placements. As we are all well-aware, good record-keeping ensures we are accurate in our congregation reports as well as following up on all interest we come across during our ministry. Therefore, the focus of this app is to provide a quick and easy interface to track hours spent, magazines/books/brochures placed, and studies conducted and RV's visited. Current Version: FieldBerry v0.1.4 At the moment, FieldBerry is very basic and provides the bare minimum for service recording. Some of the current features are as follows:
- • Track hours, magazines, number of RV's/studies, books, brochures, etc. by day
- • Review monthly totals
- • Data stored directly on BlackBerry device
- • New! Graphical icons for a prettier interface!
If you'd like to see other features included, stop by the
FieldBerry Forums and let us know your ideas!
App Requirements: BlackBerry OS 4.5.0+ Designed for the latest of RIM's BlackBerry handheld devices, FieldBerry will be developed primarily for
BlackBerry OS 5.0 and greater. However, as the majority of the intended features won't require all the new and fancy features of the latest OS, the app will try to maintain backwards compatibility to older versions as far as
BlackBerry OS 4.5.0 as long as possible.
Price & Warranty: Free This application is provided to anyone who is interested
at no cost. Because of this, however, the developers are not responsible or liable for any damage or data loss that should occur due to you using FieldBerry. While the intention is to make FieldBerry as bug-free as possible, you may use this at your own risk.
Project Status: BETA FieldBerry is currently in BETA, meaning that there are likely still numerous bugs and fixes to be reviewed. That being said, if you are interested and have the technical ability to beta test this application, you are more than welcome to test it out. Your feedback is strongly encouraged and greatly appreciated, as this will contribute to a greatly improved program that all can benefit from. To download the FieldBerry app for your specific BlackBerry, head over to the
download page and chose the one right for you. If you'd like to be notified when new versions of FieldBerry are available, or become one of our Beta testers, please
join the mailing list.
Anonymous said... This is helpful, hope u could do this with apple 4g and 3gs since im using them.. Thank u so much..
- March 19, 2011 4:16 PM
Anonymous said... waiting 4 such app 4 iPhone2 :)
- March 19, 2011 7:52 PM
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