I remember a friend of mine telling me that her husband had a book that were used byt Elders only....I am not sure if this is the same book as the topic posted before..but I was wondering if anyone had a copy or knew where I could get a copy. I am talking about the book that has all the experiences of what to do in a judicial meeting. I remember when I had mine i could hear one of the brothers reading it and at the end he said those brothers found it grounds for a disfellowshiping..However I was DF'ed..but I know that no one is allowed to read it but the elders and for some reason i do not think it is the Shepard book. I have looked that one over (not read it) and did not see any type of listings of experiences. Thank you :)
Elder book....Not the shepared
by itsbeenalongtime 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Never heard of it... as far as I know it's just the Shepherd Book... But what do I know, I only got as far as MS...
The reason I say this is because my elder brother-in-law sent me an email the day saying that I had an attitude that is covered in the Shepherd Book... I came really close to asking him: "Are you referring to the BRAZEN attitude described on page 60?"... of course that would have tipped him off immediately and would give him the power to turn my family against me... I wasn't about to let this arrogant SOB get his way...
excuse me... he said Elder's Book (I assumed he meant Shepherd Book)
Anony Mous
The 'elder's book' does refer to articles in the WT which may show some experiences. Some bigwigs have really researched some of the topics they regularly handle and they might also refer to older cases in their case file (which they do keep track off). Also in the Elder schools there are some topics discussed and examples given and many take notes.
There is no 'book of experiences' on how to handle specific situations. However, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody has actually gathered 'case files' to refer to.
I meant to say I WASNT DF'ED.........
I just remember hearing them reading about a sister that was asked to be removed from the congergation because of what she had done and this brother was reading word for word what she had done...but it never gave names. Any x Elders know what I am talking about? I know this sounds crazy because I guess no one has heard of this book. I know there is a book....Where can I get a opey of the Shepherd Book, I will read it to see if it is the same but but im sure its not because I have looked it over before and I didnt see anything like what I heard. My friend new of a site that had this book on it and that is where I saw it but I never was able to read teh whole thing. Thanks
Here is a place where you can download the shephard book:
Link deleted- Links to this book are not pernmitted due to copyright laws - Lady Lee
You can download totally anonymously from here.
Or you can go here and get the scribd version, just download it or browse it online.
What a loving book. Take, chapter 4 "Assisting Those Who Are Weak" (weak means a low number of hours in field service), there are 11 pages, pps 47 to 58.
Now, take all the chapters on taking out those who are weak, pp 58 - pp 124, 66 pages.
So, 66 pages on going after those who are weak and reprimanding them or disfellowshipping them, and 11 pages on assisting them. Nice.
Why do Shepherds raise sheep at all?
So they can take their wool, skin them, and eat their flesh.
A weak lamb is usually killed after being born.