your thoughts
expences for 1day natick mass assembly 8,000$
by TheLoveDoctor 8 Replies latest jw friends
Is this an assembly hall?
I would assume that after you add up the mortgage, insurance, normal mothly maintenance, letterhead, stamps, gardeining, power, 144000, water, labor, and the cable for the Co apartment, devide it by the number of circuits, multiply that by a random number generated by hashing the total age of the governing body, you should get a nice tidy sum, to pay the bills, and send the reset to the worldwide work.
At past assemblies in Natick, MA they have announced $14,000+ for "expenses". They sure do pad the receipts. There is no way they can have 45+ weekend assemblies and average $10,000 for expenses each weekend. Then all the extra monies are send to the WTS. The elders in each circuit vote on that at every assembly.
....and we don't even get coffee!
Yeah okay... MAYBE when they were serving food, still... But now that the masses bring their own grub, there's no freakin' way. Especially since the assembly yesterday was ONE DAY!
PS TheLoveDoctor, you gots a PM...
Evidently Apostate
do you remember the pink decor they had before the remodel? i hate the place now, they pack you in like sardines and tell u to be grateful. glad i missed it last week
Anony Mous
They do have quite some expenses. I mean, all those volunteers cost a lot of money. Anyway, the place is probably too big to be called 'modest' with a nice park and pond around it, a double house for the CO and the couple that keeps up the place.
They're most likely still paying back their mortgage to the WTBTS as well which is in chunks of 10 years, just so you understand correctly: the mortgage for a multi-million dollar building has to be paid back in 10 years - if it cannot be done, the WTBTS charges interest on the back payments and then there is another mortgage for 10 years w/ interest. Those are ~$100,000 payments for a modest 10M project. More recent projects have been quoted at 40M+
Also, the CO's house is there and is to be refurnished, painted etc. every 3 years (whenever there is a change of the guard). There's most likely also some professional services taking care of the yard and other projects. The people that live there just to keep up the place also are fully all expenses paid, car etc. etc.
Crisis of Conscience
At the one day assembly I attended, also in Natick, it was announced that the total for the weekend was just over $10,000.
One day?! COME ON, MAN!!