New Urban Legends?

by Pika_Chu 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pika_Chu

    Has anyone heard this one before? It's similar to the one where the angels are supposedly protecting this woman out in FS. Maybe it's a new one. A brother/sister knock on someone's door, the guy answers it, his familiy are huddled into a corner, crying. He's about to commit murder-suicide with a gun. The witnesses save him and his family, they all get baptized, everythings good now, yadda, yadda...

    I also heard a similar one where the householder was a woman about to poison her kids...still ended the same, though...

  • Pika_Chu

    No takers?

  • sabastious

    I heard a story, from a CO, where an apostate mole was uncovered getting information and before he could make off with the papers he dropped dead from a heart attack.

    I have heard multiple stories where witnesses will come across "demon possessed" people out in the ministry. The possessed person always talks about "strong intimidating figures" standing beside the Witnesses and protecting them. Apparently when you are possessed and on drugs you can see the "Angels" that are with the Witnesses in the field ministry.


  • Mary

    Pika, I haven't heard of that particular one, but I know over the years I heard several 'examples' of people who were about to commit suicide and who were stopped by that knock on the door. Interesting how many people are on the verge of committing suicide Saturday mornings between 10:00am and noon hour.

  • Joliette

    I've heard of this.

  • wobble

    Mary, If you see a Dub walking towards your door , it's enough to make you wanna stab yourself !

    The good myth i heard from my nephew, was about the Bro. who was a travelling salesman, he was bigamously married and had another family in a distant town.

    Supposedly a bro. from his Congo. visiting the town, breaks down outside his door and has to knock for help, Bro Bigamy answers the door, all is revealed and it must have been the work of the mechanically minded Angels who caused the breakdown of the car in order to expose the sin !

    WTF ? If only they would get some of these imaginitive people on the Writing Committee, ....woops, they have !

  • unshackled

    This isn't new but recall one from years ago...details are a country where JWs are oppressed by the government they have to operate in secret. Three brothers are walking down the street, one of them is about to turn them in to the authorities, but a bolt of lightning takes him out right then and there.

    So absurd to type that....but as a kid remember believing that completely.

  • sd-7

    Well, there was this generation that just never seemed to die; after 97 years their numbers actually INCREASED, if anything. In some ethnically diverse urban communities, they were informally spoken of as the anointed Bebe's class. "Rather than dying off, the anointed Bebe's class keeps multiplying. How we rejoice at this great increase!"


  • exwhyzee

    An then there's the one about the Circuit Overseer and his companion who encountered a woman at a door claiming to be able to see into the future and speak to the dead. The CO promptly read her a scripture from the Bible that pointed out how God is against such things. The woman began shrieking with laughter and was bordering on becoming hysterical. The Circuit overseer immediately realized her reaction as being Demon induced, so he hauled off and slapped her across the face. Later, the horrified companion asked the Circuit Overseer why he had slapped this Woman. The Circuit Overseer replied " Because Brother...the Society has admonished us to always Strike a Happy Medium"

    (true story...I was in the same car group! ;)

  • Pika_Chu

    Okay, just remembered this one too: two women live together, they are in a relationship together, witnesses visit them and tell them to get rid of this thing they bought at a garage sale. They become lovers of men once more. Think that one was mentioned in "I'm Perfect, You're Doomed."

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