Mind Control Group Conformity Sycophants to Authority

by PublishingCult 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PublishingCult

    I thought this video demonstrates fairly well the psychology behind the delusion that 7.2 million Jehovah's Witnesses share. It isn't so much unity or oneness of mind or a common bond of truth, but the pressure to conform.

    Mind Control Group Conformity Sycophants to Authority

  • poppers

    This reminds me of a Social Psychology course I took in college; it was the most interesting college course I ever took. We studied many of these very things in this video.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    I just finished a course on Sociology and that was a video we watched. I wonder if it would be the same today? It seems conformity was more prevalent in the mid 20th century when this video was recorded.

  • PublishingCult
    It seems conformity was more prevalent in the mid 20th century when this video was recorded.

    I dunno. When I look around what I see is many groups of people trying so hard to be non-conformist that they end up being just like everyone else.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    Lol! True. It reminds me of a House episode where he told this kid in combat boots with long hair, multiple tattoos, and piercings that he was such an individual because he was the only twenty-something that looked like that.

    People don't change...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Conformity and Submission to Authority are each fairly effective on their own. Combined, they make a fairly successful cult out of a publishing company. Especially effective is couching conformity in terms like "loyal love" and "unity" and "worldwide brotherhood" while passing your authority buck on to an unaccountable, invisible, all-powerful being and/or an anonymous group of that being's "representatives on earth."

  • ziddina
    "It seems conformity was more prevalent in the mid 20th century when this video was recorded. ..."

    Yes, the "1950's" (1946 - 1967) were marked by a strong pressure to conform...

    Must be the reason that the Watchtower Society attempts to keep its members in a "1950's" time-warp... No pants on women; no long skirts on women, men must wear suits and ties - and usually WHITE shirts only...

    Anything even vaguely "hippie" is considered "bad" by the Watchtower Society - and of course, anything that indicates a spirit of "independent thinking"....


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