Does ANYONE know how to get funding for counseling? Sliding scale therapist don't do it for me. I don't feel like they know what they're talking about. Does anyone have any experience in finding funding for therapy? i'm trying to get neurofeedback ...particular with PTSD
Counseling and Therapy
by Voices 7 Replies latest jw friends
i'd love counseling, but A) can't afford it B) would be best with a counselor who knows about cults and i think those are quite rare
I've been quote 50 euros per hour for a good counselor! no way
This isn't funding but it is financing - you could try here:
You could also direct your questions here:
Might get some suggestions here too:
I never had any success finding free counseling for a relative until a hospital social worker hooked the relative up with the city Dept. of Mental Health. I imagine most towns/cities/counties don't have such a thing. Even though it exists where I live, I couldn't get in without a nod from the hospital person.
That said, call whatever hospital handles psychiatric emergencies in your area and ask what they know. I am sure you won't easily find a cult expert, but I don't personally feel that's needed. The cult problem is different, but counselors deal with stress and depression and traumatic experiences. That's close enough to get started with them. I think the important difference can be handled by letting them know you are already confident that JW's are a dangerous mind-control cult. A typical counselor doesn't try to argue with what you know as facts unless you have no basis for knowing it.
Your other option is to move to Canada where we have free health care!
Voices, unfortunally there are not many places that provide funding for this. From my experience, I knew I needed this service but did not have the means to pay for it. I dont know what your finanical circumstances are but there are some places where you can make a voluntary contribution.
In my situation I was sort of in denial, i knew i needed it, I was lost and depressed, the thought of having to pay for it depressed me even more. Then I got to a point in my life where I realised that this would probably be the 'best investment of my life'. It truly was, I dont think my counseller was remotely prepared for what I told him. But he made me feel safe and secure and it was totally non judemental, and I came away accepting myself for who I am.
The best therapist to go for is someone who deals with congitive bahavour therapy.
Sorry for not being of much help, but I hope you find someone to who you can talk to.
Sorry, I don't know your circumstances. But, depending where you work, some employers have Employee Assistance Plans where counsellors can be obtained as part of employee benefits.
Some communities provide free services for victims of abuse. Some communities might consider coverage if you are married to an abusive partner.