Experience re: Faking Field service time

by pirata 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pirata

    Noticed this experience while doing some research. Thought you might enjoy it:

    *** w64 9/15 p. 561 par. 10 “Carry On Prayer on Every Occasion in Spirit” ***

    10 Three years ago a special pioneer minister of Jehovah’s witnesses had become ill during the end of the month. He was missing thirty hours for his monthly report in order to qualify for his money allowance, which then was especially needed. He dishonestly reported the full amount of time, expecting to make up the missing thirty hours of ministerial service next month. But difficulties continued and he was not able to make up the time. It seemed that Jehovah’s blessing was not upon his field preaching activities. In prayer he confessed his wrong to Jehovah. He also wrote to the Society to ask their forgiveness and offered to make an adjustment. The Society’s headquarters mercifully agreed to let the allowance stand as paid but said that the minister should make up the missing thirty hours during his vacation time that next summer. Yes, that prayer of confession brought relief to a stricken conscience and restored pleasant relationship with Jehovah and his people. Did not that prayer bring results?—Heb. 13:18.

  • itsbeenalongtime


  • av8orntexas

    My health comes before those dumb magazines.

    Ah geez, I get so tired of seeing,reading about, or personally hearing about people who are trying to be some type of martyr or 'hero' just to show everyone how zealous they are.

    That was me...for a short period of time. Now....it just looks dumb as hell.

  • NewYork44M

    Fake field service time threads are the best. Any stories that we have not heard yet?

    I always rounded up to the nearest power of 5 and then add two. So, If I did 2 hours, I reported 7. If I did 7 I reported 12. I always added magazines whether or not I gave any away. And of course, there was the weekly family study. God - I hated the weekly family study.

  • MartynAndrew

    Sort of like when asked how much one drinks- divide in half, and field service? at least double it. It would be interesting to get a sample of a hundred x pioneers and find the margin of bullshit and use that figure to determine the actual. It is amazing to think of how much of a tool I was running around preaching about something I didn't even believe in.

  • keeshondgirl

    I was a regular pioneer, and I probably had a total around 15 hours the entire year. I also added hours to my husbands already low time every month just so he could continue to hold a microphone. No one noticed I was never out in service and there were 15 other pioneers in the hall I went. hehe!

  • keeshondgirl

    Oh, I was also on the stage at an assembly and once at a convention to 'encourage' others to become pioneers like myself. I spent more time preparing my speech for that than I did preparing for service.

  • WTWizard

    What about continually providing fake time? You are not kicking the can down the road--if you are 30 hours short the next month, turn in the fake time for that month as well.

    Normally, this is wrong because it's fraud. However, you are probably going to accomplish the same thing whether you do the extra 30 hours or not. Which is nothing. You go out, waste the time putting littera-trash in people's hands, and they throw it out. Meanwhile, you haven't succeeded in even reducing what's left for everyone else. The best option is to simply quit this wasteful activity altogether and start doing things that generate real value.

  • punkofnice

    WTF? = In prayer he confessed his wrong to Jehovah. He also wrote to the Society to ask their forgiveness

    Who are they to forgive? Jehovah is secondary here to the GB obviously.

    On another note I put any old bo££ocks on my report for years. evan when I was MS, Elder and pioneering. I found out really early that Jar-Hoover wasn't about to vacuum me away! Loads did it. I knew this. When you are born in you see this all the time.

    I always objected to being judged by to$$ers on my performance.


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