The tragedy of the Triangle Fire in NYC should never be forgotten. Among other things, it's an example of the horrors that can happen when industry is deregulated and the power of corporations are not curtailed.
March 25th 100 years ago...
by poopsiecakes 6 Replies latest jw friends
Were you a child labourer, darling? :'(
Poopsie!!! I love you woman!
Love you too Beks!
I watched the American Experience documentary about the Triangle Fire and another one on HBO and it brought tears to my eyes and made me literally sick to my stomach that this happened. What kills me is that corporations are being allowed to foster this mentality more and more - all in the name of the mighty dollar. Meanwhile these lessons are being forgotten and as the expression goes, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
What kills me is that corporations are being allowed to foster this mentality more and more - all in the name of the mighty dollar. Meanwhile these lessons are being forgotten and as the expression goes, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
There's damn near nothing I can add to that. I only wish people would pull thier heads out.
The last time we witnessed a scene like that in our lifetimes was during 9/11. That was more than horrible enough. Despite all the safety standards we have now, there was little we could do for ppl jumping out of THOSE buildings.
What makes this tragedy of a century ago more terrible was that it really WAS preventable. 9/11? Not so sure...
It was completely preventable. The safety precautions were available but the decision was made to keep costs low. Meanwhile, one of the owners spent $100,000 upgrading his mansion in a time when the average worker made $600 a year. Sound familiar?
The other thing that made this preventable was that one of the main exits was locked from the outside because all of the women had to be searched at the end of their 14 hour shifts in case they stole thread or scrap sad. So very very sad.