Birthday parties...

by MrFreeze 2 Replies latest social humour

  • MrFreeze

    Is there a JW opinion on birthday parties for animals? I've never read anything about that. Hey, the Bible never lists any birthday parties for famous Bible animals that involved decapitations!

    I attended a birthday party for a cat on Saturday and got appropriately tanked. Maybe I should send a letter to the WT.

  • will_the_apostate

    if pet birthdays are ok then what about pet holidays

  • Scooby-Doo

    Whatever you do, DO NOT feed your dog chocolate cake. It can kill them.

    I was always told that birthday celebrations are a personal choice for true christians, however we must think of what Jehovah's thoughts would be about that type of celebration. To me, that basically meant that they have no scriptural basis to condemn birthday parties... but the were going to anyway.

    Im sure they'd feel the same about pet birthdays. Perhaps they would feel stronger about it, since you're 'giving glory to an animal'. Kinda like the idolatory of the cow.

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