Thanks, Amazing

by jukief 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • jukief

    I want to thank you for your recent posts about your experiences coming out of the religion. I've always thought that personal experiences are more powerful and convincing than arguing doctrinal points. Although there's a place for such arguments and discussions, seeing what other people have been through and how they've dealt with their loss of faith and extracting themselves from the religion are most compelling and helpful for people who are going through the same experience.

    My parents are in a difficult position; they no longer believe in the religion, but they feel that if they were to just quit, their two children who are still JWs will shun them. They've had a lot of heartache over the destruction of their family and the loss of their long-held faith. Experiences like yours are especially meaningful for people like them.

    I look forward to reading the rest of your story. Keep those posts coming!!

    Julie F

  • Amazing

    Thanks Julie. There were originally 15 parts to this account, but I am adding one in that really cannot be left out. Thanks again for the feedback. Part 6 will be posted shortly.

  • Prisca

    I agree with Julie.

    Amazing, ignore the vocal minority that complain about your posts. I think your experiences are very interesting and are all a part of helping others to understanding the ways the WTS operates.

  • wasasister

    I've been experiencing continued interruptions in my internet connectivity, however...

    I just want you to know, Amazing, that you have helped me, and no doubt many other people by chronicling your experiences.

    Why, oh why, does this have to be reduced to a cult of personality? Can't we object to someone's argument without insulting the individual? Can we not just let the good stand and dismiss the inconsequential? Does my appreciation of the helpful portions of Amazing's posts relegate me to one "side" or the other?

    If so, then perhaps my forced departure from the internet is a blessing in disguise.

    I've never liked being pigeon-holed. Don't tell me my astrological sign, don't tell me I'm a "summer", don't tell me I can't agree sometimes and disagree other times. I'm no one's toady, no man's (or woman's) shill, no one's apologist. I can be your best friend, and disagree strongly. Would you want a best friend who would do otherwise?

    Sorry for the rant. I haven't been able to post for over three weeks and this has been buiding up. Have at me, I won't be able to read or reply.

    Thanks again, Amazing. The time and effort you took to post your experiences is appreciated.


  • Grout

    Affirmative. Amazing is.

    BTW, Amazing, do you know if there's been any update to the
    "statute of limitations" doctrine?
    Chip Salzenberg: Free-Floating Agent of Chaos

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