Message to

by sooner7nc 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sooner7nc

    I sent the following message to the wonderful Brothers at this game site.
    House2House Board Game
    "How, in turn, will you preach without knowing the scriptures?"


    This is a copy of your ticket below.


    Reynaldo Franz wrote:
    Ola' Brothers,
    Thank you very much for this wonderful tool. Truly Jehovah has blessed us all by providing this "meat in due season". My question Brothers, is can I count service time while playing this with my children? Also, since I have recently re-married and have gained 3 step-children, can I count an hour for each child? Thanks again. I send my Christian Love, Agape!
    Brother Reynaldo Franz.


  • sooner7nc

    And this is the reply I got.
    House2House Board Game
    "How, in turn, will you preach without knowing the scriptures?"


    Our support team wrote:

    Dear Reynaldo,

    Thanks for your email, and we are pleased you are enjoying the game.
    Regarding your question, if you use the game during your Family Worship then you can count the time, and you can count the time just once even if you have more than one unbaptised persons playing with you. If you play at different times, then you can count combine time of these periods.

    Please note that the "slave" recommended a game, but it is not a replacement to bible study with each of your children. Many family spend some portion of their time using this game, and we hope it will create the bond and spiritual enlightenment in your family



  • crapola

    I never knew this crap existed! How boring!

  • 3Mozzies

    HAHAHAHA Sooner7nr good one, shows how stupid this religion is.They even fell for the Franz name.

    Thanks for the laugh :)

  • GOrwell

    bahaha.. Reynaldo.. I love it..

  • InterestedOne

    This can't be for real can it? How do they know whether you can count time with the game or not? What authority do they have to say that? Also, I thought counting time was for being out in field service or talking to unbelievers. Do JW parents typically count time when talking to their unbaptized children about doctrine, etc.? If that's the case, I guess I answered my own question - playing the game counts as "witnessing" to your children and you keep track of the time to report it to the elders?

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