10 minute program of recorded music

by IMHO 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • IMHO

    At the beginning of the Special Assembly Day we were told:

    "We will enjoy listening to a 10 minute program of recorded music"

    Tell me if I'm being picky here but three points come to mind here.

    1) Is it an order "We will enjoy"?

    2) Do we need to be told that it is "recorded"?

    3) Why the long-windedness what's wrong with just saying something like; "Music will be played for 10 minutes" or denoting the real purpose of it; "Music will now be played to show you should now stop talking, sit down and wait for us to begin",

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    What gets me is that it is a "program" of music. Just like a series of decrees or orders is called an "arrangement" in the Borg. They use the goofiest language to make themselves seem different and special.

  • james_woods
    They use the goofiest language to make themselves seem different and special.

    Not quite as goofy as the Scientologists, but yes; very, very, goofy.

    Betcha the music itself was pretty goofy, too.

  • sir82

    Where else but in La-la JW land would 1500-2000 people:

    -- Be expected to sit quietly and listen to prerecorded music

    -- And told to "enjoy it" (or else...what?)

    -- And it's pretty crappy music at that. No not really crappy, just....mediocre. As interesting as plain white rice.

    Next thing you know, they'll add a 5-minute introductory musical piece, to encourage people to take their seats to listen to the 10 minute musical piece.

    It's the overalpping generations thing all over again, for the toally challenged.

  • pirata

    The chairman's outline is pre-written. It usually has very awkward language like:

    (Introducing Talk). Brother _______ will discuss with us the theme _______. Brother _______, you have our attention.

    (Bored monotone voice, reading off outline): "Aren't we happy to be here together this morning for a refreshing program provided by the faithful and discreet slave"

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