No.[the last paragraph is of interest to all] But there is a basic thing we must have.
What, can we say, is the basic principle underlying the movement of Jehovah's living organization? It can be expressed in one word: OBEDIENCE. Loving obedience from the heart is all.
This is the basic formula upon which the organization rests and operates.[nothing found at Gal-5:22,23 love joy, peace, long, suffering etc no just Obedience, to what?] The power to move ahead comes by Jehovah's spirit, which he showers on his organization according to its obedience to Him [by doing what we tell you to do in His name]. This is not due to the efficiency of the members of the organization.
9 So moving ahead is not a cold, calculated thing. It is a matter of coming closertoJehovah,perfecting obedience, seeking and receiving Jehovah's spirit. We are dedicated to him, not to the organization [think Fred wrote from this point on forgetting he wrote, or forgetting the true meaning of, this sentence]. He places us in the organization where we fit, and we can fit ourselves well by obedience [ wait, you just said,' its not a cold, calculated thing' but doesn't one have to calculate to really be obedient, to fit ourselves well[up the ladder] considering the rubbish one has to endure and the b/s and the butt kissing and the..... ] .
11 Of course, effort is needed. There are four things we must do to perfect obedience that will move us ahead: (1) Study of God's Word;[a NWT translation of course and all the things Jehovah 'forgot' to write, which we have truthfully written for your benefit in our 'many publications' ] (2) zeal and effort in applying the things learned to our life and ministry; [for 'things learned' refer to our 'many publications'] (3) continually seeking and following the lead of Jehovah's holy spirit; [ please refer to our 'many publications for updated leads] (4) receiving help from other brothers in the organization. There are no shortcuts.[unless you have a heap of money to 'donate',or you are a lawyer or...]
12 How will we put these four things into effect? First, study: We may think of study as hard work, as involving heavy research. But in Jehovah's organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, [ we don't want you to research to hard or to far back, could be to reveling/ embarrassing] for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to do that very thing,[ great I'll just read the 'new light bits' and cruise along , not exerting myself in all that heavy research = nearly brain dead] to help you who do not have so much time for this,[ how did you know my circumstances?, Jehovah must be guiding you] these preparing the good material in TheWatchtower and other publications of the Society. But you do not study enough?[ sorry, is that a question or a statement, 'but do you study enough?' would be a question, 'but you do not study enough' is a statement with a question mark, I don't study much because you have told me I don't need to.] Take this suggestion: [not a hint of humility, such as, we offer this bit of advice in the hope that it may help you no, just 'take this suggestion'.] Often the very best and most beneficial studying you do is that done when you read a new Watchtower or Awake! or a new book with the joy of getting the new truths and a fresh view.[beneficial for who? Oh but I have the new Watchtower and Awake in my hand so I guess the Watchtower coffers have already benefited first] You remember the points.[read,read,read, and answer all the questions, yyyesss I remember and then..] You talk enthusiastically to others about them.[ when I don't have to do any 'hard work, heavy research study' those 'new light bits' certainly become new truths, which I will remember, and I will forget the old new truths, because I don't need to do back research because you told me I didn't need to.] So try this: Pick up each Watchtower or Awake! as it comes and read it, just for the joy and pleasure it gives.[ I see that my neighbors are going to die in the next few months, actually so is the entire street , so is the entire suburb, so is the.... except for Joe and Betty ,they are 'in the Truth', oh great joy and pleasure] Remember, you are not sitting down to study, just to enjoy the information.[good] This will increase your joy of reading and will give you incentive for more definite, organized study.[ wait let me do something you told me I didn't need to do, some 'research', or a review of what you have told me so far,1 'study Gods word' fine I enjoy reading the bible,2 I don't need to 'research' as there is brothers who will do this for me,3 you've told me I 'do not study enough',4 the very best and most beneficial studying [ which you said I didn't have to do] you do is that done when you read a new Watchtower or Awake! or a new book, 5 remember, you are not sitting down to study, so what is the end result of all this] Jehovah wants you to enjoy your study. He does not want it to be drudgery to you. He is the happy God, taking pleasure in providing all this rich spiritual food.[ see even Jehovah's confused, I'm sure he shouting at you "let your yes be yes"] -1 Tim. 1:11; Acts 20:35.
13 Second, how will you be successful in applying the things learned to your life and ministry?[ what did I learn from the bible?Jesus said "not to be going house over house, cant find 'door to door' in other translations] You may feel that your problem is the big exception.[ 'my problem is the big exception!' I think everyone has the same one, trying to decipher this xxxx] But everyone has obligations and responsibilities.[ I wonder what yours where, lets see, how to lie successfully to keep the congregation numbers growing, oh and more importantly to provide those, subtle and not so subtle, means to keep the coffers full and the brothers and sisters 'under subjection'] Adopt the positive attitude. Sit down and decide which are your main responsibilities. [but you did say 'you are not sitting down to study' and surely this is, oh hell what's the point] Then put first things first.[ great this I can do , God and Family first, "hey kids start packing the car we are going on that trip we have been going to do for the last nine months" ] This will put your conscience at ease.[yes,yes,yes] Now, if you have assignments in the Theocratic Ministry School, public talks, assistance arrangement or others, allow them their proper place. Do not keep putting them off. Count it as a privilege. It is just as important to Jehovah for you to fulfill this privilege as it is for our brothers in concentration camps to be faithful. In fact, this kind of privilege is an opportunity for you, not only to be faithful under test, but, additionally, to build up others to move ahead. Take each assignment as a stepping-stone in moving ahead with Jehovah's organization.[no,no,no! Those Assignments, hey kids unpack the car something more important has come up"]
14 Let us say, for example, that you have an assignment in the Theocratic Ministry School. Can you do a really good job in your own strength? Of course not. Here the important third requirement comes in. Pray to Jehovah for his spirit to energize your mind. God is personally interested in your moving ahead. "God . . . will himself finish your training, he will make you firm, he will make you strong." (1 Pet. 5:10) Knowing you have his backing, get down to business. Do it NOW! The present moment is golden. Once lost, it cannot be regained. Start your mind to working. The worry about things not done is much more burdensome than the doing of them. So begin to put down your thoughts on paper, however scattered they may seem to you. [ "sorry kids I cant come and play ball right now I have an assignment to do NOW"!] Now you have something to work with; you begin to feel that the load is lighter.[ no] The subject shapes up in your mind.[ no,no] Many times we have had assignments that we found difficult.[ yes] We did not know where to start. [yes, yes] But we got down to work; we began taking the first steps. Soon, we got into our subject matter and found it, not only easier than we thought, but really enjoyable! [not this time] God's spirit cooperated with our willing spirit.
15 When you have really applied your mind and effort to any job, if you find that further help is needed,[yes] this is the time to call on the fourth provision, the help of others. Following this procedure, you can accomplish any theocratic assignment. [ "hello David, its xxxx, I'm working on an assignment and I was wondering if...oh I see you have to visit that sister out of town with your family, no worries mate have a good one". "hello Jack, its xxxx, I'm working on an assignment and the family got to visit a sick aunty, no worries mate have a good one"]. The seeming mountain will become a series of small stones. [the 'series of small stones' are cementing themselfs to my mountain and becoming larger and large ahhhhhhh!]
Now we come to the most interesting part of this 'assignment', and I feel sure that it is something that many have been looking for, or wondering about, and it's the question that is in the title, 'Is there a "secret" formula for the organization?. Fred must have laughed when he wrote this wondering how long before someone worked it out. In paragraph 8 he wrote this, 'This might be made clearer by an illustration. When we look at the universe we are amazed at its complexity. It puts us in awe. Yet we see so much orderliness. This led scientists to believe that there is some simple, basic formula underneath it. They found that all matter in the visible universe is composed of energy, and this relationship between energy and matter can be expressed by the simple formula E = mc 2'' .
So there it is, simply this:
Effort/Energy spent/= Money Collecting/cumulating/comingin. squared.