Just a little something I appreciated from Martin Zenders book.
I was looking through the site based on a recommendation from another thread on JWN.
Here is the quote: Walls come and go, but truth endures. You can run and jump and live your happy life without worrying about losing truth; the real truth. This is not like the "truth" you had in the institution. That "truth" used to wait around to see what you would do with it, to see if you were worthy of it or could live up to its standards. And then, based on your behavior, it would adjust its opinion of you. It could damn you as easily as bless you, scare you as easily as comfort you. It all depended on-you.
Real truth is not like that. It's stronger and more sure of itself. Human foibles cannot hope to alter it.
In 29 A.D., you did not join Jesus Christ by signing a statement of faith. You did not go to Jesus Christ's church, because it didn't have a settled location. What you did was you started following Him down the road.
I thought it was very apropo.