Soooooooooo pissed about my situation I've decided to tell the world how I feel no matter what the outcome..too many issues in my head and need to clear it as it's ddriving me nuts to stand idle and watch the Borg destroy countless other lives as they completely and utterley destroyed mine. Am I doing the right thing know the outcome and destruction it will bring on me and my family so please advise guys need your help and support.....sooooooooo pissssssssed...they killed the love of my life my mum with their f......d up conceptions and ideologies and other bulshit, my own jw's sibblings took me to court over my mums estate and not wanting to look after her as she suffered from (Parkinson's desease) just so they could spend time in the ministry and destroyed and broke mums heart in the process as I the only male a disgrace being Italian left to look after both my parents with my family for 3 and half years. I took the matter to the elders as my sibblings just KEPT screwing with mums head that I didn't love her and should be in a home not at home where she wanted and pleaded with me to keep her there almost every day because she knew their egotistical ways but they told me that because I wasnt active they could do nothing about the situation it was my problem...Long story guys too long and too painful they tortured mum till the point of death and now doing it with dad and I cant do much about it as they have power of attorney it's killing me not to speak up
Approaching a current affair
by focariedu21 8 Replies latest jw friends
Broken Promises
Ummm... I would leave your family's business out of it, otherwise it looks like sour grapes.
But as to talking to ACA for a possible story, I don't see the harm in approaching them about the religion. If there were enough Aussies who did, they'd probably do a story.
They recently did a story on the Exclusive Brethren, about their shunning practices. This is an angle you could persue if it's relevant to you.
well I am willing and able and the more the merrier the problem is I think many are fearful of the outcome...don't know why that is when we know the truth and no longer have association with the society...I say common guys join me and start the exposure and in the process start healing
Mad Sweeney
Some questions for clarification.
Your JW siblings hold power of attorney for your parents (your dad now) yet YOU are the one who is the primary caregiver?
Is that correct?
Looked after mum and dad for all that time they tried everything to place both in a home against their will and eventually they got a good lawyer and took me to court and won. They wasted no time placing first mum in a nursing home against her will and not long after that dad. Mum passed away and because they still have POA dad is still stuck there rotting away as he hates the place with a passion.
Sorry to answer your question ..YES iI looked after both for all that time and in all that time not one witness brother or elder came to visit mum....I have three sisters one might have come once a month the other twice a week...with the exception of the youngest who is not a sister was there with me pretty much all along. I even had threats from my own nephews and their dads not in the truth to give up what I was doing and place mum and dad in a home
Mad Sweeney
Got it.
I think your best manouver would be to keep showing dad that you love him unconditionally. Document every idiotic and selfish thing your JW siblings do. Then, when he's gone (rest his soul), you can pursue media attention if you think you have a solid story to tell.
The problem you raise is one I think many of us see. The organization is not exposed for what it is and those of us who have left do not have any sort of plan or united front with which to face that problem. We have dozens, if not hundreds, of ex-JWs making websites, blogs, youtube clips, and even full-length films, all independently. There is little or no concerted effort going on.
Exactly my point...what are we fearful of...we're all in the same boat here wanting to expose the Org for what it is but not willing to go that extra mile
Witness My Fury
A video diary documenting the sorry tale maybe? How would your siblings react on camera i wonder?