I rarely look at any WT publications anymore, but under Watching the World, April 2011 Awake quotes a newspaper article that blames the covering of sexual abuse on the misguided loyalty to the absolute authority of the Catholic Church. I couldn't help thinking of the many cases of child abuse amongst JWs that have been swept under the rug for the exact same reason - the absolute authority of the FDS! They have no shame pointing their finger at others when in fact they are as bad...if not worse in mistreating the victims of abuse. Shame on you FDS!
April 2011 Awake page 27: Abuse ignored because of misguide loyalty....
by NVR2L8 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Black Sheep
Ah yes, but ...........
It isn't misguided loyalty when it's protecting the Watchtower. They are guided by Jehovah.
These guys have some balls!!!!
No Apologies
They still have the nerve to print stuff condemning the Catholics over their sex abuse scandal???? Unbelievable!!
No Apologies
NVR2L8- The WT society has ALWAYS been quite talented at pointing out OTHER organizations faults while turning a blind eye to their own shortcomings. It's called self deception and arrogance
jean-luc picard
I've just heard of a child abuse case. The person wasnt disfellowshipped but they did have a "strong talk" at the assembly. Personally, I'd have prefered to atomise his body and disperse it to the four corners of the universe......................
but unfortunately, you haven't discovered that technology yet.