New rag's out on here in a handy full-color PDF format.
On Pg.29 I find this gem:
“Only 8% [of Canadian brides-to-be]
think that abstaining from sex before
marriage is a good idea,” and
“74% of couples already live together before
getting married.”—WEDDINGBELLS, CANADA.
At first, makes you want to say: DUH!
...but then, I wonder, what is the purpose of this quote? Is it to show how immoral the "world" is (especially you, hockey nuts!)? If 92% of the brides-to-be are getting it on before marriage, what can we guess is the % of grooms-to-be, who think abstinence is a good idea? Knowing the infinitely more promiscuous nature of guys, my guess is somewhere in the negative percentage...
Why isn't there distinction between the "world' and the JWs; they could have juxtaposed an example of "Bible standards" and "good morals" there to make their case....
I just thought it is bizarre to simply leave it out there hanging...What do you think?