Jun 2011 Awake

by Yan Bibiyan 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    New rag's out on here in a handy full-color PDF format.

    On Pg.29 I find this gem:

    “Only 8% [of Canadian brides-to-be]

    think that abstaining from sex before

    marriage is a good idea,” and

    “74% of couples already live together before

    getting married.”—WEDDINGBELLS, CANADA.

    At first, makes you want to say: DUH!

    ...but then, I wonder, what is the purpose of this quote? Is it to show how immoral the "world" is (especially you, hockey nuts!)? If 92% of the brides-to-be are getting it on before marriage, what can we guess is the % of grooms-to-be, who think abstinence is a good idea? Knowing the infinitely more promiscuous nature of guys, my guess is somewhere in the negative percentage...

    Why isn't there distinction between the "world' and the JWs; they could have juxtaposed an example of "Bible standards" and "good morals" there to make their case....

    I just thought it is bizarre to simply leave it out there hanging...What do you think?

  • cantleave

    I would say it isn't much better in the congregations. Most of the Judicials I dealt with were to do with sex before marriage.

  • sir82
    I would say it isn't much better in the congregations. Most of the Judicials I dealt with were to do with sex before marriage.

    Yeah exactly.

    The % of JWs who got some nooky prior to the wedding vows might not be 92%, but it sure as heck is over 50%.

  • miseryloveselders

    The % of JWs who got some nooky prior to the wedding vows might not be 92%, but it sure as heck is over 50%.

    Without a doubt!!!

  • LostGeneration

    Wow that high?

    I guess I was giving them more credit than they deserve.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The guilt the Borg lays on couples who "fornicate" or commit "loose conduct" before marriage is enough to bind them in slavery for life.

    I have relatives who were DFd for loose conduct while engaged and ever since they've come back to the Borg they have been the strongest uber-Dubs I have ever known in my entire life. They pioneer, go where the need is great, sold their house and most of their stuff, but can't get into Bethel because of their guilty past. They're working their life away for the Borg, trying to earn that forgiveness and paradise that the Bible calls a "free gift."

    Sucks to be them.

  • IsaacJ22

    Sex drive is basic biology at work. We're simply made with a powerful drive to git it on. :-)

    Most of us will succumb to this drive if given half a chance, especially when we're in our teens. Which makes it an easy tool for groups like the WTS to hold over us. Where else can a JW go for absolution but their local elders? How else does a religious teenager get forgiveness? In effect, they NEED the Society to forgive them to clear their conscience.

    Many groups have been using this one for thousands of years.

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