Generally, New World Order conspiracies say that the whole world is controlled by maybe a few malevolent familes
God therories say that God, a force of pure benevolence, is in full control of the universe and therefore the happenings on this planet
New World Order conspiracies say that these leaders are not in our best interest and must be removed from power by human means
God theroies say that God will eventually remove from power the wicked leaders, controlled by his Adversary, from the earth and replace them with the Meek
New World Order conspiracies do not advocate a global government, but a united people of the planet
God theroies fortell a near future where God smites all wicked on the planet and presents the earth to his Chosen People
^ The New World Order and anyone who connects themselves with it are doing nothing but furthering a religious agenda, without knowing it. Please do not get caught up in the same hype that swept our ancestors and brought pain to so many.