A mothers day advert has just come on the tv and it made me
It was on about how your mom is always the one with her head missing on photos but although you can't see her face she's always there. That reminded me of my mom! She always knows when i'm in pain or in trouble and is there to rescue me. Yes she drives me potty and she's the one who is always on the receiving end of my anger, fear, irritabiliity to name a few. Yes i'm always telling her i'm going to put her in a nursing home when she annoys me, but i wouldn't have coped without her propping me up! I know how lucky i am to have my parents out of the borg and my heart aches for those whose parents are still in and have been disowned. Carrot's parents are still in and hell bent on making our lives hell! *sigh*.
When i was born both mom and i nearly died and mom was rushed in for emergency surgery. When she came round no one told her i was alive. She was soo frantic that she told me she didn't care if i was a baby hippo as long as i was alive. Nice i know! Lol. Thank God i'm not a hippo!
I love my mom