May 1, 2011 Watchtower, page 8
"I feel like I've gone from owning a piece of paradise to owning a toxic waste dump" (reference to Rev. 11:18, 'God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth')
No, no, no, no! You Watchtower Decepticons (emphasis on the 'con') have no proof that this is a prophecy about pollution! To do that, you would need a whole lot of ancient Hebrew types obsessing about chemicals and industrialization that DIDN'T EXIST!
This "prophecy" is bogus as regards pollution because it has no context in ancient Israel for such an understanding. Forcing a meaning of pollution on Revelation 11:18 - triggered by modern day concerns - and then yelling "Wow, what a prophecy!" is circular reasoning.
Ok, you can establish a reasonable context for intrepreting ruining the earth as meaning 'ruined by violence or immorality' - because that's what a concordance would quickly show you, if you eager deceivers in the Writing Department bothered to crack one open. (such as Gen. 6:11, 12 or Jer. 51:25)
Slice it however you want, Watchtower Apologists, it's still baloney.