The Watchtower Repeats The Same Baloney Again And Again And Again

by metatron 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    May 1, 2011 Watchtower, page 8

    "I feel like I've gone from owning a piece of paradise to owning a toxic waste dump" (reference to Rev. 11:18, 'God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth')

    No, no, no, no! You Watchtower Decepticons (emphasis on the 'con') have no proof that this is a prophecy about pollution! To do that, you would need a whole lot of ancient Hebrew types obsessing about chemicals and industrialization that DIDN'T EXIST!

    This "prophecy" is bogus as regards pollution because it has no context in ancient Israel for such an understanding. Forcing a meaning of pollution on Revelation 11:18 - triggered by modern day concerns - and then yelling "Wow, what a prophecy!" is circular reasoning.

    Ok, you can establish a reasonable context for intrepreting ruining the earth as meaning 'ruined by violence or immorality' - because that's what a concordance would quickly show you, if you eager deceivers in the Writing Department bothered to crack one open. (such as Gen. 6:11, 12 or Jer. 51:25)

    Slice it however you want, Watchtower Apologists, it's still baloney.


  • Terry

    I have coined a different word for what the Society does: TOWER-RIFF.

    Whatever imaginative stream-of-consciousness nonsense they come up with consists of a RIFF like a jazz improvisation.

    Out of context proof-texting is all they need to "support" the silliness and lame crackpot jaw-jacking they wish to print.

    The struggle for the Governing Body is staying RELEVENT in the world today now that they can't rely on date-setting gimmicks.

    Publishers need something relevent to talk about at the door.

    HOT TOPICS sell magazines.

    TOWER-RIFF creates relevence.

  • ldrnomo

    You are so correct.

    If one wants to carry that to extremes, one could say just about everyone living today is having a part in ruining the earth including the WTBTS and their buildings and cars and and printing plants.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I wonder did they even refer to this scripture in this manor before the envoronmental movement that began in the late 60's or early 70's.

    I like the word tower-riff to discribe what they do but I also wonder what makes them want to do it. What makes men like this tick?


    WBT$ Baloney Sells..

    There are 7 million JW,WBT$ Baloney Eaters..

    JW`s eat,sleep,talk and dream about WBT$ Baloney..JW`s knock on stangers doors to talk about WBT$ Baloney..

    There are 3 day WBT$/JW Baloney Festivals..

    If you took WBT$ Baloney away from JW`s,what would they replace it with?..

    It`s a Fear JW`s live with every day..

    The Watchtower Baloney and Tract Society..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • LV101

    metatron --- forgot on my prev. post re/great moment leaving w/tower (whatever) on H20 you were my FAV poster and loved reading your watchtower prognostications --- best GOOD news i'd heard in years.

    outlaw --- love the tower's new name. my first laugh of the day/thanks. wish you guys could do billboards all over the country w/your reality terms --- love terry's tower-riff.

  • WTWizard

    Ruining the earth is more of making it difficult for others to mind their own business. And the big banks are doing a damn good job of it, by getting into the governments and demanding more taxes to the Rothschilds, as well as banning use of alternate currency. Just try printing your own money, even if you make it clear that it is not official legal tender, and use it (even if it has more value than the toilet papers you are using now), and see what happens. Someone tried that, actually making coins out of real silver and spending them--and got a long jail term. Even longer than many murderers.

    And the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery is helping. Any religion that threatens with hellfire or destruction unless you obey their rules makes finding the real truth more difficult--I believe atheists and real Devil worshipers (that is, those with contempt for Jehovah) have a better chance of finding the real truth than those who are strong in a religion. They simply take your money, tell you that there is no need for worrying about your future, and let you flounder. People have killed and died in all major religions, in the name of their religion.

    As for the simple issue of pollution, the witlesses come out on top again. How often do they use their pollution machines to distribute littera-trash to people that are not interested? They let heat out of householders' homes (in summer, they let cooled air out). They waste energy to attend multiple boasting sessions, and their buildings are notoriously inefficient with energy (if the dingbats can properly operate the climate control system). They generate more garbage when they go to McDonald's--the pio-sneers are the worst offenders with that (and they rarely if ever recycle anything). I never saw anything that resembles a recycling bin at a Kingdumb Hell--everywhere else, at least the cardboard is recycled. And they create negative value for all the pollution they generate.

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