Does anyone know if the Watchtower CD's from the early days that you order from Freeminds has any reference on them regarding identifiers? Can you tell they are from Freeminds or is there anything that gives away they were ordered from a so called apostate website?
Watchtower CD's
by whathappened 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Black Sheep
I don't know, but what difference does it make?
If someone challenges the authenticity of a document, it is up to them to prove that the original is different to what you have shown them. It is a copy of their literature and they usually have the originals in the KH library.
If you know they don't have a copy and can't easily verify your article, pick a different subject.
I appreciate your answer but perhaps I didn't phrase my question clearly enough. When questioned about where I get all these Watchtower quotes, I want to be able to show my relatives that I am strictly using Watchtower publications and not apostate material. That's why I need to know that the CD's dont have any reference to and outside source.
Thanks again for your reply, Black Sheep.
Whathappened and Grandmajones
Black Sheep
If it's early stuff you are after use
It is not JW apostate. It is IBS.
I still say it is better to use material they already have on their shelf. That way the question, "Where did you get that from?", can be treated with the scorn it deserves.
I have ten CDs that ordered from Freeminds.
But, Freeminds did not make them.
"Research Applications International" made those CDs including PDF files of the old Watchtower.
Therefore, in those CDs, there is no reference to Freeminds., I think that Freeminds probably made "Rutherford's records." (The collection of the MP3 files of the Rutherford's records.)
But I was not found in that CD on the current Freemind's website.
Thank you Blacksheep and possible-san. Your help is greatly appreciated. We will follow your advice.
The items from research apllication have a watermark on front of the cover. Some books etc are not scans like the one´s from Russell.
The mp3´s of Rutherford might be made by a witness, and are just sold by freeminds.
Many of the Rutherford speeches can also be found here and on witness websites.
If you need books that are not linked to apostate´s download them from the Internet Archive. There might be apostate material between them but if you check them, you can see the difference. So will others.
Yearbooks 1927-1959
Watchtowers 1879-1949
Many books from Russell can be downloaded from Google books that is clearly also not a apostate site.
Old publications might also be in the Kingdom Hall library.
Anony Mous
Your hall might have them, my hall has the original Studies of the Scriptures with the pyramids and everything (and some of those books were redacted later). It doesn't matter though, the JW's reject all old publications as flawed and any that adhere to it as apostate. If you point out the differences you are an apostate. If you say anything bad about the organization or the current version of their doctrine you are an apostate.
Make sure to delete the mp3tag information on mp3s from free minds, otherwise that's a big giveaway.
The research application CDs are fine (no commentary or apostate links).