Hi everyone, Ive never been on any forum before, of any nature, I came accross yours by accident and have been amazed at how uniform all our experiences are re our time spent as JW,s accross cultures, continents, ages and the sexes,(FITLY UNITED) BUT ONLY IN GRIEF !!! Im from Ediburgh, though it could be anywhere in the world, and as long as I was under the WTS( loving umbrella) I could be assured of that life sucking negativity.I spent 9 years of my life allowing non enteties,human scrotums to suck the very marrow from my bones,I ended up devoid of any life, unwilling and unable to defend myself from constant harrassement and CHARACTER ASSASSINATION. The anger has subsided and Im ok,but like some of you still a bit disorientated. To explain when i first got baptised one of my mates was an elder, a good lad, being a mate he confided in me and bounced ideas of me,although I can,t spell, Ive had a good education,Anyway our congregation was ruled like a prison, with two very strong characters who dominated the other elders.My friend a newly appointed elder lacked experience and support to take these two on,so they ruled with an Iron Fist, I tried to reach out along with all the other male drones, many of us pushed on by our wifes who wanted to show the other wifes that their chosen husband was an MS or ELDER, anyway you get the picture. These Elder meetings were more like the Spannish inquisistion,I know because my elder friend told me evrything about them, he relayed all the hatred and bile spouted in those meetings againts me and my wife and i could do anything about these remarks because the were given to me in confidence, this lasted 7 years,all that effort battling the character assassination,going to the meetings, INSPITE of them,My wife was fully aware of this but would not support me or herself, with misplaced loyalty to these elders since this was,GODS ARRANGEMENT,I was even told this would improve me !!!!! anyhow that was six years ago, our marriage flounderd i commited fornication, i informed the elders, and asked to be disfellowshipped, they duly obliged , My besst friend a faded MS once remarked to me that he had never met a group of people who were more spitefull and nasty to one another than Jehovahs Witnesses, I agreed with him, best of health to you,
by the max 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Hello and welcome !
I totally agree I've had similar experience as has many.It makes you think ; why so many people have the same problem with them if there is "nothing wrong " with them.But they will say it's everyone else with the problem.I might add the most bi-polar, self-righteous, craziest people I've ever met.
Welcome to JWN! Unfortunatly a cult's success depends in part, on back stabbing, gossip, and tattling among the rank and file.
It's all peaches and cream with Jehovah's Witness Congregations, until there's actually a problem to be dealt with, then it's who knows what.
god bless you man! you'll need it coming outta that mess lolll!!
seriously though, it does and will get better. hopefully you dont have any family still in. thats the hardest part.
I noticed recently that the word "brotherhood" is being used more to describe
Jehovah's Witnesses. I wondered if this is a parrot- like response to various
articles written by the Watchtower writers. For anyone who has experienced
this "brotherhood" realizes that the congregations are breeding grounds for
gossip, slander, jealousy...etc. The myth of a loving and kind
organization of believers is soon dispelled once a person becomes a
member and associates with those who are petty and vindictive.