I dont like Moondays

by jean-luc picard 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    They insist that the devil works strongest through those closest to you to destroy your faith. This naturally offsets the concern of parents and friends, most of whom want you to leave. You are told that their motivation is love, but because love in the world is fallen, they cannot understand that their motivation is evil. If someone talks to you from outside the family, no doubt they are trying to take your mind away. You begin to fear the world and those in it. Thus you become dependent on the group for love and positive reinforcement.

    ( http://dmc.members.sonic.net/sentinel/1earth4.html )

    The above quote is talking about the Unification Church or Moonies.

    I have long thought, how like JWs.

    You are discouraged to have non JW friends, or to associate with anyone “outside” the faith.

    Then, if you want to leave, you find yourself TOTALLY alone. Even your family JWs dont want you any more.

    A situation too hard to deal with for many people.

    So you stay “ in”, unhappy, and against your will.

    If that is true in your case, please believe, there IS life on the “ outside”. It just takes some time.... and courage.


  • wobble

    I agree JLP,

    The JW's, Moonies, Mormons and sundry other groups who may insist they are not a cult, are certainly very controlling, and mind warping by their rules and teachings.

    It does take a bit of courage to leave, I know on the night I walked out of the Kingdom Hall just over 3 years ago, and knew I would never go back, it was a frightening thing.

    My whole family (apart from my sons, they left years ago) was in, including my wife. I stood to lose all my family, lifelong friends and my support system.

    I still left. It did not work out as bad as I feared, I have managed to "fade" in the sense that I am not DF'd or DA'd, my family still talk, JW's I meet in town still talk.

    Things are not the same of course, JW's, family and old associates, are wary, do not talk religion, and some avoid even talking if they can make it seem not deliberate. I have really lost contact with all the old friends, so that left a hole, as I was 58 years "in".

    But, as you say, life outside is sweet, we have made new friends, strengthened friendships we already had with non-JW's, and we use our freedom to do what we want to do, from voting in elections,attending Church services, donating blood etc. etc.

    Some day we may be called to account by the religion we left years ago, but we are not now living our life looking over our shoulder.

    Anybody trapped in should seek to escape as soon as possible, any day spent in the WT is a wasted day.

    Get out in to the real world, scary, a bit, exciting, a lot ! get out and LIVE!


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