Would you say anything?

by Mad Sweeney 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I'm in a coffee shop and at the table beside me are two business-cult recruiters trying to get a young lady involved in their pyramid scheme.

    Unfortunately I have to leave (work related) before the recruiters leave, so I don't even have an opportunity to act on this specific situation. That said, if you could would you say anything to protect the young lady from these scam artists?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The old cliche of "if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is" ...comes to mind.

    I'd be inclined to lean in there on my way past them and say it making sure you get eye contact with her as you say it. Then walk on...

  • CoonDawg

    haha...that would be awesome! I'd say something for sure...at least tell them to read the fine print and there is NO such thing as getting rich quick.

  • jay88

    Business cult recruiters,....that is a good title,.......has a ring to it!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    They actually were business cult recruiters, not religious. I don't know if it was Amway or what but they were pushing Monday night meeting attendance, watching the DVD literature, and making a lot of money by getting more people signed up under her so that she doesn't have to do much sales work at all.

    It turns out they did finish up and were leaving right around the same time I was but I still didn't have the opportunity to talk with the girl because we went in opposite directions. Had I been walking with her, I'd have said something.

  • sabastious
    Unfortunately I have to leave (work related) before the recruiters leave, so I don't even have an opportunity to act on this specific situation. That said, if you could would you say anything to protect the young lady from these scam artists?

    Intervene and tell em to draw!

    Outlaw would be proud.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Several years ago I was in an European country and saw some JWs having a RV with a woman in McDonalds. I couldn't speak their language so I just wrote on a piece of notepaper "jehovahs-witness.net", gave it to her and walked away.

    The JWs probably then went into anti-apostate mode but I don't care. I did what I could under the circumstances.

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