Towards the end of my untheocratic worship i would make sure no one was looking and I would x out peoples names on the school schedule writing canceled or I would draw arrows from one persons talk to anothers as if they had switched talks because of going out of town or something.
I used to take the talk schedule off the back board and make "adjustments"
by foolsparadise 8 Replies latest jw friends
Well, as a former School Overseer, that would really piss me off if you did it to me back then.
Good job.
Yes, that has a certain understated classiness that I find very refreshing.
Broken Promises
Childish but funny.
When I was a teenager, I used to write something on the bathroom's wall. (I do not remember what I wrote on it) The PO announced to the hall about it, he wanted to know who did it. I told him one year later after the announcement. He then said Dont worry about it.
We had an Elder who just loved the sound of his own voice (not an uncommon fault amongst Elders I believe).
He was the kind who if the previous guys had left him some spare time on the platform by doing shorter than scheduled items, he would fill the time, arrogant twat.
One time he was last on the Service meeting with the gift of a spare 15 minutes ! One Bro. couldn't stand the thought of that time being wasted by bro. Blowhard, so he altered the clock that resided on the wall of the K.H and all on the platform went by it.
Blowhard realised something was up, still went a few minutes over his alloted time, but finished the meeting early.
While his eyes were closed doing the final prayer, the clock was corrected, Tee Hee.
Afterward he went around trying to find out who had altered the clock, he never did know for sure who it was.
That was a brilliant "adjustment" in my opinion. Well done my little bro. (I studied with him,the timekeeper, obviously taught him well !)
I think I've told this story before but it's worth another round.
We had a particularly obnoxious PO at one time who was an awful speaker . . . very dull and condescending. Anyway, the Congo was saving for a new hall and he was giving a progress report during a 'special needs' part . . . he set about berating the Congo for not supporting the fund and at one point said . . .
"$7000 in 2 years? . . . I could have saved that on my own"
Immediately a voice from the rear of the hall said quietly but nevertheless audible to all "Well why didn't ya then". Suppressed giggles followed not to mention an intense inquiry that lasted about two weeks . . . but he was never exposed. When asked if i knew who it was . . . I lied. I took him out and shouted him a beer (and dinner) instead.
Wobble, you rock!
JW GoneBad
I remember when the back board or information board was referred to as the 'Bulletin' board, emphasis on 'Bull'.