Ahhh...the superbowl! The only holiday I was ever allowed to celebrate as a kid!
My Pats won FINALLY!!!!
by Eyebrow 3 Replies latest jw friends
Ahhh...the superbowl! The only holiday I was ever allowed to celebrate as a kid!
My Pats won FINALLY!!!!
My husband was yelling so loud I think the neighbors heard him. Then he comes upstairs to tell me NE won. As if I couldn't tell.
Glad your team won eyebrow. Steve said it was the most exciting Super Bowl he's seen in years.
Anytime a team that is from LA or used to be in LA loses, it's a good thing.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On
Every year when the Super Bowl comes around I feel clueless. I have never been interested in watching sports on tv and I have never understood why watching the Super Bowl interests people.
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"