if you were able to get this url during the short time you were snooping on my computer last night then you have probably by now read a lot of my most personal feelings about my life growing up as a jw.
much of it is very shocking to you and will be even more so to mom if you tell her (which i wish you wouldnt!).
i'm hoping that after you calm down you will let this alone and do nothing with the knowledge about me that you have. i know that you have no interest in hearing the truth about what goes on in the organization so i wont even tell you to look it up yourself.
i dont go around trying to convert jw's and i havent tried to tell you any of this stuff so i think the best thing for jaden at the moment would be if you just left me alone. as long as i dont try to convince you all that you are wrong then what harm am i doing? i believe this is the truth so let me believe what i want and you continue to believe what you want. continue to shun me as you have done for all these years and i will continue to stay out of your way.
please just leave it all alone and forget you ever saw it.
you know who