Letter to the Governing Body
by ablebodiedman 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh my god get to the point. I cant sit any longer listening to the 1st grwade reading pace. Your message was lost.
His voice (or yours?) is exactly the tone of highly indoctrinated Witnesses. I had to turn it off, didn't realize how much a trigger that tone is for me.
Could you just post the letter so I can read it at my own pace?
His cadence is like Barak Obama's
He's magnificent!
See, lazy people and too busy people will have lots of time on their hands when BTG falls and the economy crashes. Then they will want to focus on how to save their own necks. But it will be too late. You have got to have your priorities straight. Getting into the kingdom is not easy, but people want the easy way.
I wonder what will happen on JUDGMENT DAY when the judges have to read volumes of excuses why they should let someone live or not and they just don't have time to read through it all. They are in too big of a hurry.
yep, there are some amazing profundities in that video which most people are going to miss because they don't like the delivery.
Guess they will just have to live with missing it then.
Somehow, I very much doubt the GB will be hearing it either.
Mad Sweeney
Getting into the kingdom is not easy
Yes it is.
BTW, anyone want to summarize the "letter"? Any letter that takes nearly 27 minutes to read is way too long. I could read the freaking book of Revelation in 27 minutes.
Jehovah's Witnesses spend 5 hours a week going to meetings and still don't learn anything.
If they each spent 27 minutes watching the video they would understand why.
I think its a great idea to use the NWT to present the letter.
Its like killing the Governing Body with their own sword.