Please invite whoever has an interest in learning about Gods son Horus our redeemer.
Id like to Invite all to the annual memorial this Sunday for our Lord Horus who died for all mankind
by foolsparadise 7 Replies latest jw friends
Will there be free booze and chips?
Booze and chimps? Don't like chimps. Is horus going to be there?
Can't say I'm too familiar with Horus, but I'm all for keeping Saturn in Christmas. Does that count?
How come nobody ever has a memorial for the stars that literally did die for us?
Broken Promises
Will the servers be male, tanned and wearing only loin cloths?
Why allow them loin cloths?
Broken Promises
Good point, in which case they must be well hung
nolongerwaiting How come nobody ever has a memorial for the stars that literally did die for us?
I do. I put out candles every year to commemorate the death of Michael Jackson and Elvis.
Broken Promises Good point, in which case they must be well hung
You mean this guy? I think you spelled his name wrong.