Hmmmm, makes you wonder. I am a firm believer that "celestial events" as described in the Bible and other works will appear during this year and next. Trust me the gov't knows something is going down but are not saying what, however they are preparing...
Nice, Russians are building 5000 new bunkers by end of year in Moscow!!!
by sinis 4 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, just like for the Cuban Missile Crisis..... c'mon we've heard all these "conspiracy theories" before. Do I believe an end is coming? Unfortunately, I do, because crap isn't getting much better, and what with us soon to run out of oil.....
My opinion is, stop looking for all the details. If it's coming, it's coming and ain't nothing we can do 'bout it.
This is to do with the asteroid that was predicted by a couple of british astronomers to hit earth in 2014(???) need to find the info, but is too late now.
It was on the late night news. next day the media started ad hominem attacks and counterclaims of sensationalism.
Yet within weeks the British Government started to build huge deep shelters in the welsh hills and started collecting and freezing seeds of every known plant.
I think this is why many world leaders start looking so haggard and worn so soon after being elected, they are in the know and cannot tell the public.
The rooskies have always been fond of bunkers. During the cold war they had very good and well stocked shelters for their public. They believed in protecting their people in the event of a nuclear exchange.They figured they'd go on as long as the "worker" survived.
This is probably just a continuation of that train of thought. You can't blame them.
Hamster, the more I look into Elenin and the other "unknown" objects coming in this year (just found by NASA) it does really make me wonder. The seed vaults, bunkers, etc. I have always argued that the ecnomy tanking and free for all was not by accident but no one cared - since some in the know knew something catastrophic was going to happen so might as well have circus and cake... strange times... I believe that the Mayans knew when, not what, would happen (tracking celestial events) but the bible and other M.E. books, and other cultures of that area knew WHAT but not when... thus "no one knows the day and the time"