Listening to your "inner voice" lecture in college

by Coffee House Girl 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    So I'm taking a business law course & this week the professor is off on a tagent about listening to your inner voice & the formula for life,

    he says you must

    1. be honest & ethical and work hard..then

    2. watch the opportunties come your way

    3. listen to your inner voice (instincts) and use your mind to think critically

    4. get a job you love

    5. find the right person to go on the journey with you-

    6. live the summoned life instead of the planned life- that means that life isn't a project to be completed, it is an unknowable landscape to be explored.

    so in essence- my professor has given me a logical well expressed key to life, it only took an hour of lecture, did not control my actions in regards to who I can/can't associate with, manage my time, tell me what to read, and he only had to tell me once (this did not require many millions of dollars in publishing countless magazines and books reiterating how I must live my life to be acceptable)


    And this week since I have been listening to my inner voice I have: found a new job, found a new appartment, and I did it all without prayer!

    Life is amazing...just thought I'd share


  • trevor

    Good to hear from you Coffee House Girl, and know that things are working out for you. We all have an inner voice that guides us, often through feelings. We have our inborn instincts but also instincts based on what we have absorbed through our experience. Our inner voice becomes more reliable if we have taken in correct information.

  • miseryloveselders

    The heart is treacherous, who............. I think I like your professor better than Jeremiah.

  • pirata

    Thank you CHG. I am going to copy your points for future reference. I am still finding and discovering what principles to live my life by.

    I just wanted to add:

    Listen to your inner voice... but don't let your inner voice fool you.

    Once we have made up our minds about something, we tend to stick with that decision regardless of any new information that comes to light. That's how I stayed a believing JW for so long.

    Always be willing to consider new facts regardless of how much emotional or material investment we have already made in our previous decisions. It's alright to make mistakes.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It sounds like you have a grad student rather than a full professor. I believe it is so important to have lofty goals and to take concrete action to achieve them. Margaret Mead was my anthro prof, duh. She declared in a lecture that women could not have it all b/c we bore children, something not about to be rectified. All our other profs said we could have it all all the time. She was right. I found that you can have it all but very rarely at the same time.

    I recall how gung ho I was about life in college. Life intervened. No one controls life. We need to address challenges. The Witnesses have a very passive culture. We constantly heard how no good the world is. Yet I saw extraordinary beauty in the world. God created it as the stories go. The complexity of nature is astounding. I tend to believe in intelligent design, not creation. This marvel cannot be random. My life has had tremendous adversity and exquisite experiences. If we don't aim high and for the best, we live Jehovah's Witnesses lives, which is sheer hell to me.

    My college culture leaves me with feeling that I somehow failed through negligence. It was absurd to teach us that we can control everything, esp. when God appears unable to control most things. College left me with the attitude that people can achieve great things in life and what am I doing, within my power, to accomplish them.

    Another comment is what bummers JW were. College was full of hope and possibility. College provides you with a framework to achieve and be proud of your accomplishments. Whereas, I could not take pride in anything that did not glorify JWs. I recall I was a teenage candystriper. It was so bad b/c I wasn't pioneering I was forced to give it and a scholarship up. College gave me many strengths besides a formal education.

  • skeeter1



  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I just wanted to add:

    Listen to your inner voice... but don't let your inner voice fool you.

    Being aware of confirmation bias is the first step in combatting and avoiding it.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    And this is why JWs aren't supposed to attend University!

    CHG, you know that when you learn and think, it makes the GB sad. And that's a good thing !

  • sinis

    So I'm taking a business law course & this week the professor is off on a tagent about listening to your inner voice & the formula for life,

    he says you must

    1. be honest & ethical and work hard..then (always)

    2. watch the opportunties come your way (sometimes)

    3. listen to your inner voice (instincts) and use your mind to think critically (always)

    4. get a job you love (can't find one...)

    5. find the right person to go on the journey with you- (missed that boat when I got married to a dub)

    6. live the summoned life instead of the planned life- that means that life isn't a project to be completed, it is an unknowable landscape to be explored. (interesting - trying to pursue that as of late)

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Thanks for your comments all-

    it is nice to feel liberated from the guilt of living my life, I was just a shadow for so long

    I am trying not to grieve over lost time in "dubland", but just view it as part of the journey that makes me who I am, so I am trying to savor and enjoy my college experience, and not be in a huge hurry to make a career for myself by age 40 so I can retire by age 65 and die by 75- I have a plan to guide my life in a certain direction...but how exactly it will work out is unknown and I am open for any possibility.

    (yes..I will be balanced too- I am starting a retirement fund after all )

    Nice to hear from all of you,


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