Sounds like a kingdom melody I remember !

by man in black 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • man in black
    man in black

    This morning on the radio a member of the communist organization of the USA was being interviewed , and as a tie in to commercials the station was using

    a song that sounded very familiar/

    It was bothering me for several hours until I thought that an old song sung at the kh was very familiar.

    It went something like " our god jehovah, almighty in battle" (that's all I remember).

    what do you think ? Am I dreaming ?

  • pubtruth

    Honestly all of them sound like Communist anthems/Battle songs

  • unshackled

    Nah, you're not dreaming. Can't put my finger on it but does remind of a particular Kingdumb Melody. But like pubtruth said...they all kinda have the anthem thing going.

  • watersprout

    Listen to this and see if it rings a few bells.... ''To whom do we belong, which God do we obey??''


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Song 176
    Welcome the Incoming King!

    1. The due time has come to extend a grand welcome
    To Almighty God, to whom all things belong.
    For he and his Son now assemble all nations,
    And the heavens are resounding with a stirring battle song.
    So ‘lift up your heads, O you gates,’ with rejoicing;
    The grand King of glory the vict’ry will gain.
    The time has drawn close for Jehovah of armies
    To bring to all mankind Christ’s Thousand Year Reign.
    His pow’r he’ll display through his incoming Kingdom,
    O’er earth his wide dominion extending once again.

    2. The great Sov’reign Lord, the Supreme One, Jehovah,
    Has brought forth a Kingdom that never will end.
    Deserving is he of a real heartfelt welcome;
    Let our great incoming King know that his cause we do defend.
    O be lifted up, lofty gates! We bring good news.
    Hence, great is our joy as together we sing:
    Jehovah is strong and is mighty in battle.
    We do well to listen and gifts to him bring,
    For his time has come to bless those whom he favors.
    So may we cry out “Welcome!” to this incoming King.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse


    Song 189
    Proclaiming Jehovah’s Day of Vengeance

    1. The trumpets now are sounding;
    The call is loud and clear.
    Jehovah’s day of vengeance
    Is drawing ever near.
    We tell it out with boldness,
    Though men may frown and scorn.
    The warning must be given;
    God’s Kingdom has been born.

    2. The battle is Jehovah’s.
    His Son directs the fight.
    Victorious is the finish,
    Exalting truth and right.
    All strategy of Satan
    Will surely come to naught.
    To carry out our warfare,
    Our hands by God are taught.

    3. God’s watchmen must give warning.
    As one, they raise their voice.
    Each stands in his position
    According to God’s choice.
    Jehovah times all matters;
    The time is getting short
    For us to preach God’s Kingdom
    And make a good report.

    Melody at 4:55 here:

  • unshackled

    Good posts...mickey and watersprout.

    I've heard there's a new songbook and some are tough to sing. Can someone tell me: did they keep any of the old songs in it, or all new songs?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Praise Comrade Jehovah! He is our provider and bringer of the new five year economic plan.

  • d

    The communist athem was disturbing and sounded like the North Korean Athem

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