Is there anyway you can Hypnotize your way out of this S**t!!!

by Star tiger 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger

    Hi All,

    With any of the new mind manipulative technologies can any of us forget the terrible experiences of the Jehovahs witnesses, and live a normal life and so as to speak carry on as if these horrible times did not exist.

    Star Tiger

  • MrFreeze

    If there were, I'm sure you woulda heard about it by now

  • rebel8

    No. Your conscious mind is much, much stronger than your subconscious.

    No short cuts....but the result is worth it. I rly do carry on, for the most part, as though it happened to someone else. Took me a lot of work to get to that point, but I did it.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Unfortunately, you have to go through it and emerge from the ashes and carry on. It's not easy. In fact, sometimes it's downright exhausting. But the end result, as Rebel8 said, is worth it.

    One day, all of us exes will not give much thought to the cult that had us controlled. We will be free of the shackles they placed on us in EVERY sense, even mentally.

    It's just that the road to get there is long and rocky.

  • Satanus

    Sigh, no. You can learn to shut off thoughts, though. When you get into negative thoughts, or thought loops, or thoughts you don't like, do a reset, so to speak, similar to what you used to do w a jammed computer. It's a meditational technique, where you ask yourself WHO is having this thought. Earnestly try to see WHO. The exercise should do the reset. It may be necesary many times, each day, for many days. Lots of effort, but gives relief.

    If that is too hard, just focus on your breathing to do the same thing. Try for 5 or 10, or 15 minutes.


  • IsaacJ22

    Supposedly, some smart guy has, in fact, discovered that you can erase your memories. I seriously doubt he can target specific ones. Even if he could, what's to stop you from signing up the first time a JW comes to your door? Without those experiences, you might fall for it all over again. Or join another, similar group, only to relearn the same lessons.

    If it's just the past that's bothering you, I prefer to look at it as an education. I'm the person I am, in part, because of them. Take that part away and I wouldn't be me. I'd be closer to the same naive dope I used to be before I joined.

    If it's more the present--such as JWs hounding you and judging you, or even just bad feelings--then you're probably better off learning to process that stuff in a healthy way, which means learning to move forward. Some of us have done better at that than others. Maybe the better examples can help you.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I could not dance b/c of the Witnesses and mixers were crucial to me. Also, my JW bodyguard father almost killed or paralyzed me trying to throw me down the stairs when I had a full body cast on me. Nothing worked. I saw a licensed hynoptist psychologist. It was strange. She had me lift my arm. I glued it to the chair with all my will. I was terrified b/c of the Witness beliefs in losing your will (Ha! They grabbed my will first). It raised just like in a cheap film. It is only the power of suggestion in a relaxed state.

    I was super relaxed, calm, and my breathing slowed considerably. A dance was held on campus that weekend. It was sheer hell but, for the first time, I ventured on to the dance floor. Maybe b/c college was white and high school black, but, unlike high school, no one made fun of my prowess. Everyone was nonchalant as though I did it all the time. It was a major triumph in my life. Not the actual dancing so much as asserting myself. I also took dancing lessons from a professional dancer with a Village Voice ad. HIs studio was decrepit beyond belief. Men truly beckoned me.

    The escalator phobia did not improve at all. My frustration grew. I was doing relaxation exercises using biofeedback when I became deathly ill and was forced to stop. Staying alive was now my problem, not going down escalators. Strangely, I blotted out the memories of the time with my father and stairs. My sister remarked to my mother that it was probably the cause. I did them with no effort for many years. One day while I was looking for work post college in a bad recession, I visited agencies in the Pan Am building. Mutual Benefit now. The escalators were very deep. Only the World Trade Center surpassed them. A man met me and said he wanted to borrow $10. to buy an Elvis book in an exchange for a n interview. I adamantly refused but I did come in to interview with an airline. No such place existed. When I went to the escalators, I freaked. They say one anxiety attack unrealted to others can pattern a phobia.

    Twelve Step programs focus on feeling the pain and working through it anyway rather than denying it which causes huge problems. I've heard many members applaud their pain vs. their frozen emotions. Maybe because I suffered immense physical pain, I can't attribute good to pain. I felt the same way when I left home and the Witness crap haunted me. I had no rational belief but my emotions were horrid. It did improve over time.

  • rebel8

    Part of it is having to go through what most normal people experience as adolescents.

    Normal people learn a lot of things as teens by trial and error--your first breakup, learning how to have the confidence to ask someone on a date, etc., etc.....but jws are shielded from those normal things so they have to go through it as adults after deborgifying.

    It's a painful but necessary part of becoming emotionally and socially mature.

  • Nickolas

    No matter what course you take through life there will be things you will wish you never had done and things you will wish never happened to you. That goes for everyone. Recognising that you are human and fallible and putting your mistakes, misdeeds and misadventures behind you as you grow older and wiser is what you need to do. Shake the dust out of your sandals and move on.

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