if the lost one left the fold...isnt he an apostate?....so why look for him?....he just wants to contaminate the rest of the flock right???....jesus sure cared a lot about apostates i guess.....oompa
so why did jesus say to leave the 99 sheep and search for the lost one?
by oompa 8 Replies latest jw friends
Since the entire JW organization is apostate, someone sure has their work cut out for them.
Thats 7 million lost sheep .... Oh Vey
if the lost one left the fold...isnt he an apostate?....so why look for him?....
he just wants to contaminate the rest of the flock right???....jesus sure cared a lot about apostates i guess.....oompa
If you looking for the WBT$ to follow the example of Jesus..Forget it..
The WBT$ Fired Jesus..The WBT$ is Mediator now..
The WBT$ has New Rules for Lost Sheep..
Screw the Sheep.. Then Toss It on the BBQ..
....And thats why most people who left the JWs did so because they thought they were getting screwed too much by the organization
and by its standing foot solders, the elders.
Thats why there were so many jars of Vaseline tucked away behind the counter
A lost sheep is not the same as a ravenous wolf. One is simply "lost" and needs assistance. Since the average dub cannot be sure which someone is, they rely on the elders to determine what an indivual is. Rather than admit they did not or could not offer any real help, elders will often brand someone apostate after barely trying to bring them back to the flock if they try at all.
It's covered either way then. Either you were not a lost sheep or else they brought you back. Shortest answer- IT'S A CULT!!
Where are you my little sheep ?
Its time for some spiritual food from the Watchtower Corporation !
........Oh no elder so-an-so, I don't like your version of spiritual food, its undeniably wrong, coercive and manipulative !
There.. there now little sheeple the Watchtower Corporation knows whats best for you, we're only trying to save your life.
A ha I've caught you, now bend over so I can administer a portion of my holy spirit which I have been endowed by the WTS.
........On nooo Baa Baa Baa Save me Jesus....... Save me
Band on the Run
Jesus showed the utmost concern for every last one of us, regardless of worldly status or even sin. If applied literally, it makes no sense. Would a shepherd sacrifice the safety of the whole flock for one stray? I don't think so. The parables are not literal. I was about sixteen when I absolutely refused to attend KH. Before my father died, I was physically dragged and pinched and kicked in front of all the JWs. What fatherly love. When he died, I absolutely refused. Drag me if you must. Sixteen seems to be an age where outreach is feasible. The entire time I was in the Witnesses no one ever showed concern for my spiritual education or beliefs. There was not a nominal effort to return me to the fold. This was in sharp contrast to my penis bearing brother who was ooohed and aaaah after. It wasn't his fault. The sisters worshipped him.
Jesus did not say shun the lost sheep with utter disgust. Two themes keep emerging in my memories of the Witnesses. One, the total lack of love. The lack of needed charitable works towards other JWs, let along the world at large. A witness can have bountiful food and watch another witness starve. Second, the cult control. Cult is a loaded word but when it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....
Leaving 99 sheep is a pretty bad business. On the other hand it's a good sales pitch.