Ran into the CO today at the mall

by life is to short 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I was walking into the mall with my husband and this black car drives by the guy driving is waving like crazy at us. I did not recognize the car until he had driven by then it downed on me it was the CO. I am totally baffled as to why he was trying to be so friendly.

    If any of you know my story it is that we had three child molesters in my hall. The CO before him told me that I just needed to get a handle on my feelings about these men who had raped children in the past and being that my husband who was an elder and I would have to go out in field service with them etc I just needed to buck it up. I flipped out big time and said no way in Hades would that happen.

    Then we got this new CO and the one child molester shoved my husband in the hall before field service one day and the elders who loved all the pedophiles very much deleted my husband as an elder, well the CO could have sided with us but he went with the flow of the elders and went along with deleting my husband. All of that plus this web site helped me to finally wake up and leave the religion though I am not DF'ed I have not been to meetings in two years really expect the Memorial last year and the night my husband was deleted, well I have been to about six meetings in the last two years.

    When the CO comes to the hall ne never calls or visits me. So it really made me feel strange the way the CO acted today. And I guess I shunned him because I just stared at him like who in the world are you waving like that.

    I can never figure out this religion and why they do what they do.


  • jamiebowers

    It's funny that you shunned him, but it would've been funnier if you'd have flipped him off, LOL! Just kidding. Who knows what goes on in the minds of these drones? How did your husband react?

  • man in black
    man in black

    Then we got this new CO and the one child molester shoved my husband in the hall before field service one day and the elders who loved all the pedophiles very much deleted my husband as an elder.

    Wow, personally I think you should get away from this religion completely asap.

  • jehovahsheep

    did these molesters committ their crimes before becoming jws.

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    My husband is so upset with everything he was glad we did not recognize his car and he did not care that we shuned him.


    Two of the molesters did their crimes before becoming jw's but one was a jw at the time. I havealready gone to the police and talked to them that is how I got the court and police records, I have written Bethel, and of course the CO's who just blow me off, I have even sent all the GB the police and court records of one of them and the internet stuff of the other two. No one cares and unless a child ever comes forward the child molesters are free to interact with children in the hall as they have all done their time in prison. Even the police say that there is nothing anyone can do. Of course the elders are taking a huge risk but the elders feel very strongly that these men are totally cured and very safe to be around children and that they will never harm a child again. The elders feel that I am in the wrong for thinking it might happen. I have been threatened with being DF'ed if I do not stop.

    From what I have seen they really do try to hide child molesters in this religion.


  • yknot

    It is Memorial.......

    Try and remember the 'good will' spirit that waffs in the air and makes us think everybody loves the Memorial

    He probably was trying to make you feel something desirous about attending...........he is a CO and numbers are a reflective measure of him.

  • jehovahsheep

    i think the jw philosphy is to forget all sins before becoming jw wheather it is molestation or prostitution or murder ect.i believe molesters could be members but need to be marked,this would be the consequences of their actions which would be with them the rest of their mortal lives.

  • nugget

    It shows the frightening level of ignorance in the religion that the elders believe that child molesters can be cured by the power of holy spirit. These men are dangerous and putting temptation in their way is inviting them to offend. The organisation gives them a veneer of respectability and access to children in an environment of trust.As a parent there is no way I could be happy with a religion that does not protect the children in its care and that is more concerned with appearance of virtue than virtue itself.

    You shunned the CO because you didn't recognise him, JWs shun in full knowledge of who they are hurting.

  • jehovahsheep

    i disagree nuggett-the holy spirit can cure any sinful tendancy.the problem is the holy spirit doesnt exist in the wts.as i stated before such ones need to be marked and will have to deal with their stigma until they pass away.

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